Passing Gas

I can't imagine dudes married to their wives for 30 yrs and still walking out of the room to fart.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

id never do it around a guy. but i wouldnt mind if he did it around me...well after a while of us being together...i remember going out with one guy (first date too) and i swore up and down this man farted in my car. so i asked him like um...did you...he's like aw naw babe it's the outside air. im still calling ducktales to this day!

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I can't imagine dudes married to their wives for 30 yrs and still walking out of the room to fart.
I try not to pass gas around my wife. I am straight up NASTY with it and she doesn't need to experience that. I like to keep some things tomyself.

Bad enough she has to smell my putrid stench after I take a dump (multiple times a day).
i see it as a test if she makes a big deal out of it then she no good but if she dosent matter than shes a keeper
only around 2 girls in my life was i ever comfortable enough to fart around....they were kindal ongterm, well as long term as i can be.
I remember til this day when my kindergarden teacher said who ever has to fart has to go outside the classroom and stay there for a little while so youwon't bring in the smell.
one time i was hanging out, playing pool with this guy.
i saw him start coughing & looking uncomfortable, so i said the generic "are you ok?", followed by a face of slight concern.
& that's when i smelled it.

so i said "dude, did you just !%%@$+* fart?" to which he responded,"yeah, ma. i'm sorry, a n___ had gas."

Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by H3h45

farting around your girl means that the relationship has gone to the next level
So if you DON'T fart around your "person" does that mean you can't be at a peak level? What is the logic behind this?

What level are you speaking of?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by H3h45

farting around your girl means that the relationship has gone to the next level
So if you DON'T fart around your "person" does that mean you can't be at a peak level? What is the logic behind this?

What level are you speaking of?

I think he's trying to say that the if a person feels comfortable to fart around there person then that's taking it to the next level. I still thinkits stupid. What type of love is that? I hope I don't fail at quoting cause I'm writing from my phone.
I used to give my ex the dutch oven. She'd get pissed, and I'd laugh like it was the funniest thing on Earth...Because it was at that point in time.

..But the one day she farted in front of me, I seriously didn't know what to think.
Originally Posted by toast1985

I used to give my ex the dutch oven. She'd get pissed, and I'd laugh like it was the funniest thing on Earth...Because it was at that point in time.
You gave her a dutch oven? Or you just farted?

Two completely different things.
Depends how new your relationship is. Well, maybe not that actually... more comfortability, which I often associate with how long you've been together.
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