Paula Patton...

In all do respect to fox, that chick oozes sexuality. Ms. Good tho,
. She has a permanent seat on my face.
Son this thread........
-There are pretty people on the street than celebs fyi
-The chick who is the topic of the thread is bad, but there are badder out I dont think this should be argued against
-I wanna see Ksteezys wife now just cause this is like the 3rd time I've seen someone allude to her in an argument where he didnt even mention her, its crazy.
-Megan Goode is conceited as hell.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

In all do respect to fox, that chick oozes sexuality. Ms. Good tho,
. She has a permanent seat on my face.

Olivia Wilde, Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie all are on the same level as far as that goes....regardless if people may think they are hot or not, they just oooze sex appeal.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Kate upton is average tho
How?  She's a model.
 Kate upton is  pretty, not saying she is not

But to say "she is a model"  doesn't negate "averageness" .
They have a lot of "average" models, its all about being tall.
Modeling is about fashion and clothes look better on longer bodies.
I get your point.
Paula is nice!

If had to choose between Paula and Zoe I'd take Zoe. Something about this woman.........
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CWrite78

In all do respect to fox, that chick oozes sexuality. Ms. Good tho,
. She has a permanent seat on my face.

Olivia Wilde, Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie all are on the same level as far as that goes....regardless if people may think they are hot or not, they just oooze sex appeal.

wilde has more of a girl next door hotness to her, IMO at least.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CWrite78

In all do respect to fox, that chick oozes sexuality. Ms. Good tho,
. She has a permanent seat on my face.

Olivia Wilde, Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie all are on the same level as far as that goes....regardless if people may think they are hot or not, they just oooze sex appeal.

wilde has more of a girl next door hotness to her, IMO at least.

Now Olivia Wilde is a girl who is overrated that jawpeice 
 I just don't see it in her, at all. Megan Fox is hyped up too, If I walked by them in the mall or something, I'm looking straight past them to be honest 
 Give me Paula Patton over any of all 3 of these chicks 
no you wouldn't. no need to front. you may find them over rated, but you cannot deny the sex appeal fox has.
^I had to Google her cause Im like"aint that the girl from house with a huge jaw"

How is Paula "brolic" but she isnt.
damn some hostility here me paula is the type of girl I could wife...but I'm not seeing how some of y'all are sayin pp is manish.....I've heard my boys say ROsario Dawson is "manish" but to me she is drop dead gorgeous....different strokes for different folks I guess /kanye shrug/
Originally Posted by CWrite78

no you wouldn't. no need to front. you may find them over rated, but you cannot deny the sex appeal fox has.

Oh, lets tell other people their opinions now, sit down 

And I do deny Megan Fox's sex appeal. There is nothing about her that attracts me, especially after watching her interviews, she doesn't do anything for me, and her scenes in Transformers were forced 
 People believe since Hollywood gives her this badgirl image she is sexy, she's plain as hell, with a horrible personality from what I've seen.

Of those 3, the only one I can admit has sex appeal is Angelina Jolie.

shoefreakbaby wrote:
^I had to Google her cause Im like"aint that the girl from house with a huge jaw"

How is Paula "brolic" but she isnt.

dawson can have a manly face sometimes.

rashida has my heart tho

Oh, lets tell other people their opinions now, sit down

i don't type at my computer standing up?
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Paula is nice!

If had to choose between Paula and Zoe I'd take Zoe. Something about this woman.........
Originally Posted by whyhellothere



The Holy Trinity

Ain't nobody +*+@*%+ with them
Still, Paula > every other chick posted in here, including Meagan Good & Rashida Jones.
No hate, but something about Meagan Good screams "youse a ho" kinda like Kim K to me
laugh.gif PP and Kerry washington come off as the wife type, not just somebody you'd get with at the club, but zoe and mila kunis got me tho idc if they lack mass, those eyes 
Zoe, Paula, and Olivia Wilde are all fine as @#$%. I think some of you critique celebrities unreasonably
. If you saw a girl like Zoe at a party, you'd think she was an 11 year old boy?
Yet dudes  beast on much worse when some subpar non-celeb girl gets posted on here. She could have the ugliest face on earth, but if she has a huge @#$, it's all "

BTW, where the @#$% did this "11 year old boy" comparison come from? Why not just say "11 year old girl"
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

son.. i am in love!

when she said "i'll drink it anyway" my heart melted

here's the link if the vid dont play

Even after seeing that video, I'd let her be my bp partner anytime
Yoooo I'm right there with y'all 
....she came off cool as hell in that clip, plus them legs
.....smfh at dude's saying she's manly tho 
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