Peep Game NT...vol. HERBALS, MUSIC, & SLAWS. DankLA

Apr 1, 2008
Whats really good NT? So obviously if you came here you puff on that Bob Marley
, like music and probably like slaws...
So I'm running a site/blog with a couple of my homies and we are just trying to get started. Just wanted to see what the Nike Talk community thought aboutit.

When you all are just bored and have not a thing to do on the internet (I know everyone does, because this happens to me a lot) just peep our site check too.

oh and here are your slaws...



This blog is terrible. For real, what is the point? There is ZERO content, just pictures of weed, and some of the most penner blunts I've ever seen rolled.Like, how you gonna try and brag about your stash, and showcase your blunt rolling skills online when you're rolling up stuff that lookin like a stick ofincense? Are people really supposed to come check in every week to see new pics of your local club pick up, and what snacks you like when you're high? Whatare you actually looking to accomplish with this blog?
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