Pentagon preparing to send US troops to Israel VOL. Here we go

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Originally Posted by finnns2003

It's not Newsweek, they weren't the people who decided. Another sheltered, ignorant #$!! with no clue, surprise surprise.
Ok? So what point are you exactly trying to make? 
I said there is no better place to live than in the United States. Saying I should have said "In my opinion..." G.T.F.O.H. Of course its just my opinion.

Sheltered? I've been to places around the world you can only dream about little boy.

*clicks ignore button*
Right, sure you have.

Free healthcare, better education, and lower crime rates in other countries but all poor JordanXI45 can offer is empty rhetoric and fables.

For those who are open minded, intelligent, and able to process basic information, here is their ranking:
1) Finland
2) Switzerland
3) Sweden
4) Australia
5) Luxembourg
6) Norway
7) Canada
9) Japan
10) Denmark
11) United States
12) Germany
13) New Zealand
14) United Kingdom
15) South Korea
16) France
17) Ireland
18) France
19) Belgium
20) Singapore
21) Spain
22) Israel
23) Italy
24) Slovenia
25) Czech Republic

I'd agree with most of this list a few years ago, but life in countries like Spain and Italy is @#$% right now . Unimaginably high unemployment, and my cousins who work there earn the salaries of janitors in the US. I was actually really set on moving out of the US this year, either to Portugal because of family ties or Spain since my dad knows people who can hire me in Barcelona right now, but my standard of living would go way down with the salary they would provide. Also, if you've been keeping up with European politics, life over there is about to get even worse. For example, Spain is now controlled by what is basically the remnant of the Franco regime 
Dudes were waving around his flags during the election even though @#$% is outlawed by their constitution. I already live in a nice city with one of the lowest crime rates in the country, so safety is not really an issue for me.
I don't think the U.S. is that bad compared to other countries, but to say this country is the best is short sighted and ignorant. There are many areas of improvement needed, most notably healthcare and education. Crime rates, impossible with all the trash living here with barbaric values and ideologies.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

I don't think the U.S. is that bad compared to other countries, but to say this country is the best is short sighted and ignorant. There are many areas of improvement needed, most notably healthcare and education. Crime rates, impossible with all the trash living here with barbaric values and ideologies.
I completely agree. Our education system is TERRIBLE. I mean, my 8th grade cousins on the Indian side of the family would destroy the average American high school student in math and science. You have dudes over here who are taking remedial Algebra courses in COLLEGE
I had the good fortune of having an engineer for a father, otherwise I wouldn't have learned @#$% between 1st and 8th grade. And out of all the countries I've been to, we are the only nation where people with normal upbringings WANT to follow a criminal lifestyle or emulate behavior of criminals. There's no other country in the world where dudes act hood on purpose
  Also, just look at how many people here brag about being from the hood and how many murders take place where they live
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

You gotta remember how persistent their soldiers(if you want to call them that) are. Long after the main battles, they still would most likely continue to attack US troops. But, for the guy that was comparing them to Iraq, they have a more built and stable government and military so their tactics in fighting aren't as unconventional (rudimentary) as Iraq was. I'm only talking about the actual military, terrorists and loyalists are a completely different story. So, all in all, they would lose convincingly to us if they fought us in the manner we have extensive experience in (conventional warfare) but, if they use guerrilla tactics or something similar, we could be in it for the long haul.
The entire reason Iraq sucked so much is the whole COIN thing that comes with nation building. Look at what we did to Iraq in 2003 in the initial invasion. We plowed our way to Baghdad. We would likely do the same to Tehran if we wanted too the trouble comes when we try and nation build. 

Oh don't get me wrong, I know for a fact that we would humiliate their military if we invaded. Our experience in mordern warfare is second to none with Israel distantly behind. But, they would be overall slightly more difficult than Iraq and I also think we would have a tougher time to contain violence in the "post-war" period because, being as their country is a more established nation than Iraq was prior to us invading, their would be more loyalist that would be constantly attacking us and they also harbor a lot of terrorists so that would also be an issue all over again for us. But, I'm sure if it happened again maybe we can contain the insurgency a bit better since we now have more experience in that type of fighting(which Israel is really good at). Your pretty knowledgeable about war, do you study it?

What terrorists does Iran harbor ? 
^^^^ probably no terrorists...just some people who want to blow their neighbors up and wipe them out.
Information leading to the location of 
Yasin al-Suri 
Up to $10 Million Reward

Place of Birth : al-Qamishli, Syria
Date of Birth : 1982
Sex : Male
Hair : Black
Eyes : Brown
Aliases : al-Suri, Yaseen al-Suri, Izz al-Din Abd al-Farid Khalil, Zayn al-Abadin

Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, more commonly known as Yasin al-Suri, is a senior al-Qaida facilitator based in Iran. Al-Suri moves money and recruits from across the Middle East into Iran, and then on to Pakistan, to support al-Qaida’s senior leadership. Iranian authorities maintain a relationship with al-Suri and have permitted him to operate within Iran’s borders since 2005.

Al-Suri facilitates the movement of recruits for al-Qaida from the Gulf to Pakistan and Afghanistan via Iran. He is also an important fundraiser for al-Qaida and has collected money from donors and fundraisers throughout the Gulf. Al-Suri funnels significant funds via Iran for onward passage to al-Qaida’s leadership in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Working with the Iranian government, al-Suri arranges the release of al-Qaida personnel from Iranian prisons. When al-Qaida operatives are released, the Iranian government transfers them to al-Suri, who then facilitates their travel to Pakistan.
lol that reeks of BS. Funny there's no info on this guy whatsoever except the bit released by the US govt. 

al-Qaeda hates Shias more than Americans or Jews. They've slaughtered thousands in Iraq (as the Shias have done to the Sunnis). Working with them is inconceivable. 

Reminds of when al-Qaeda purposefully (Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi) deceived the US into thinking they would work with Saddam (another guy they hated) leading up to the Iraq war. This however looks more like more US manufactured propaganda that idiots will buy into, just like the supposed plot where Iran was going to use a car salesman to assassinate the Saudi royal.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

lol that reeks of BS. Funny there's no info on this guy whatsoever except the bit released by the US govt. 

al-Qaeda hates Shias more than Americans or Jews. They've slaughtered thousands in Iraq (as the Shias have done to the Sunnis). Working with them is inconceivable. 

Reminds of when al-Qaeda purposefully (Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi) deceived the US into thinking they would work with Saddam (another guy they hated) leading up to the Iraq war. This however looks more like more US manufactured propaganda that idiots will buy into, just like the supposed plot where Iran was going to use a car salesman to assassinate the Saudi royal.
You asked.. I provided an answer.
But you're probably RIGHT.. nothing but US propaganda. 
 I mean the US should just declassify all the intel reports, out all their informants related to this case, and provide every single piece of evidence on him for the public to view.  

If not it's just all fabricated BS right?  

I mean what's $10,000,000?  

And yeah only idiots would believe this.  I mean all those 9/11 families must be 'idiots' for filing a 100 billion lawsuit and actually believing NY Judge George Daniels a couple weeks ago when he signed a judgement that Iran, Taliban and AQ are liable for the 9/11 attacks.  Yeah you're right.. I mean 4 hours of open court testimony by 9/11 commission members, prosecutors citing evidence, and 3 Iranian defectors are nothing but PROPAGANDA BS!  

9/11 report was a joke, the head of the CIA unit that spent years tracking him down confirmed as much (See: Michael Sheuer)

There is absolutely no legitimate evidence of an Iran/al-Qaeda connection. Are Americans really this dumb to be tricked twice within the same decade ? Did you forget about the whole Iraq fiasco where the SAME exact thing happened, with Colin Powell showing his "evidence" (including "defectors") to the UN ?
Some ignorant judge's decision carries no weight.

Notice how you side step the heart of the issue: al-Qaeda considers Shias to be the scum of the Earth.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I don't think the U.S. is that bad compared to other countries, but to say this country is the best is short sighted and ignorant. There are many areas of improvement needed, most notably healthcare and education. Crime rates, impossible with all the trash living here with barbaric values and ideologies.
I completely agree. Our education system is TERRIBLE. I mean, my 8th grade cousins on the Indian side of the family would destroy the average American high school student in math and science. You have dudes over here who are taking remedial Algebra courses in COLLEGE
I had the good fortune of having an engineer for a father, otherwise I wouldn't have learned @#$% between 1st and 8th grade. And out of all the countries I've been to, we are the only nation where people with normal upbringings WANT to follow a criminal lifestyle or emulate behavior of criminals. There's no other country in the world where dudes act hood on purpose
  Also, just look at how many people here brag about being from the hood and how many murders take place where they live
not really
This is how al-Qaeda describes the Shia's.

This is directly from a PRIMARY source: al-Qaeda's former leader in Iraq. Keep in mind  that this was not intended to be public but was instead a letter from the leader in Iraq to Zawahiri (current leader of al-Qaeda).

This is an excerpt concerning the Shia's (aka: Iran): 

Look at how they are described 

3 [sic]. The Shi`a

[They are] the insurmountable obstacle, the lurking snake, the crafty and malicious scorpion, the spying enemy, and the penetrating venom. We here are entering a battle on two levels. One, evident and open, is with an attacking enemy and patent infidelity. [Another is] a difficult, fierce battle with a crafty enemy who wears the garb of a friend, manifests agreement, and calls for comradeship, but harbors ill will and twists up peaks and crests (?). Theirs is the legacy of the Batini bands that traversed the history of Islam and left scars on its face that time cannot erase. The unhurried observer and inquiring onlooker will realize that Shi`ism is the looming danger and the true challenge. “They are the enemy. Beware of them. Fight them. By God, they lie.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Ok? So what point are you exactly trying to make? 
I said there is no better place to live than in the United States. Saying I should have said "In my opinion..." G.T.F.O.H. Of course its just my opinion.

Sheltered? I've been to places around the world you can only dream about little boy.

*clicks ignore button*
Right, sure you have.

Free healthcare, better education, and lower crime rates in other countries but all poor JordanXI45 can offer is empty rhetoric and fables.

For those who are open minded, intelligent, and able to process basic information, here is their ranking:
1) Finland
2) Switzerland
3) Sweden
4) Australia
5) Luxembourg
6) Norway
7) Canada
9) Japan
10) Denmark
11) United States
12) Germany
13) New Zealand
14) United Kingdom
15) South Korea
16) France
17) Ireland
18) France
19) Belgium
20) Singapore
21) Spain
22) Israel
23) Italy
24) Slovenia
25) Czech Republic
I'd agree with most of this list a few years ago, but life in countries like Spain and Italy is @#$% right now . Unimaginably high unemployment, and my cousins who work there earn the salaries of janitors in the US. I was actually really set on moving out of the US this year, either to Portugal because of family ties or Spain since my dad knows people who can hire me in Barcelona right now, but my standard of living would go way down with the salary they would provide. Also, if you've been keeping up with European politics, life over there is about to get even worse. For example, Spain is now controlled by what is basically the remnant of the Franco regime 
Dudes were waving around his flags during the election even though @#$% is outlawed by their constitution. I already live in a nice city with one of the lowest crime rates in the country, so safety is not really an issue for me.

I live in Finland. 
 I hate the weather though. But still the best country in the world. SWAG.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

9/11 report was a joke, the head of the CIA unit that spent years tracking him down confirmed as much (See: Michael Sheuer)

There is absolutely no legitimate evidence of an Iran/al-Qaeda connection. Are Americans really this dumb to be tricked twice within the same decade ? Did you forget about the whole Iraq fiasco where the SAME exact thing happened, with Colin Powell showing his "evidence" (including "defectors") to the UN ?
Some ignorant judge's decision carries no weight.

Notice how you side step the heart of the issue: al-Qaeda considers Shias to be the scum of the Earth.

See pages 15-18 regarding the Shia Sunni divide
I'm already familiar with those accusations. The point is they are just that: accusations. Baseless, unverified claims (lies).

So and So met with/worked with so and so because WE said so.

Thanks, but no thanks. I've seen this movie before. Fool me once....



And with all this, let the people of Islam know that we are not the first to have begun going down this road. We are not the first to have brandished the sword. These people (the Shi`a) are continuing to kill those who call for Islam and the mujahidin of the community, stabbing them in the back under cover of the silence and complicity of the whole world, and, regretfully, even of the symbolic figures beholden to the Sunnis.

Moreover, they are a bone in the throats of the mujahidin and a dagger in [the backs of] their leading personalities. People without exception know that most of the mujahidin who have fallen in war have done so at the hands of these people. The wounds are still spreading, and they are working the daggers of hatred and cunning in them assiduously, Night or day, they do not let up.

Let's keep ignoring al-Qaeda's own words (and actions) though.
2006 not recent enough ? 

2011 not recent enough ? how about TODAY 

We consider you scum and bomb your holiest religious buildings, but we also enjoy refuge in your country. Makes perfect sense.
So you're saying there is NO Iran-Hizballah-al Qaeda alliance because AQ= Sunnis and Iran = Shia?  
(laughs) Simple as that eh? (laughs again) 

I've presented my case quite clearly using only primary sources (al-Qaeda's own literature) as well as their own actions. You provided some unverified claims in a case file from a government that attempted to use the same lies against Iraq only to be exposed shortly afterwards and insist on blindly taking their word while ignoring the fact that their word flies in the face of all fact/logic. Obviously there is no Iran/Hezbollah connection to al-Qaeda. There's absolutely no proof, and they hate/kill each other whenever given the chance (again, as I've clearly demonstrated with undeniable factual evidence). Al-Qaeda's former leader in Iraq also stated that Hezbollah was an Israeli tool that shielded Israel from attacks by Sunni's from Southern-Lebanon.

Why bother looking into things though, the US govt. said Iran works with al-Qaeda, that's good enough for me !
They (Shiites) harbor more evil and rancor against Muslims, big and small, devout and non-devout, than anyone else. They like insulting Muslims and their pious men. They are most determined to split up Muslims. Their enjoy repudiating and cursing Muslim leaders, especially the orthodox caliphs and the ulema. To them, anyone who does not believe in the infallible Imam (Al-Mahdi) -- who incidentally does not exist -- is a nonbeliever in God and the prophet, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him.

Again, the Shia are viewed as scum more vile than even the Americans/Jews to al-Qaeda. Yet they work together. Makes perfect sense. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I've presented my case quite clearly using only primary sources (al-Qaeda's own literature) as well as their own actions. You provided some unverified claims in a case file from a government that attempted to use the same lies against Iraq only to be exposed shortly afterwards and insist on blindly taking their word while ignoring the fact that their word flies in the face of all fact/logic. Obviously there is no Iran/Hezbollah connection to al-Qaeda. There's absolutely no proof, and they hate/kill each other whenever given the chance. Al-Qaeda's former leader in Iraq also stated that Hezbollah was an Israeli tool that shielded Israel from attacks by Sunni's from Southern-Lebanon.

Why bother looking into things though, the US govt. said Iran works with al-Qaeda, that's good enough for me !
No No you explained it so clearly.  AQ = Sunni and Iran = Shia..... Since they hate each other... there is ABSOLUTELY no way there would be any alliance.  Got it! 

Have you studied Sunni/Shia history at all (formally or not) ?

Is so, you certainly know what Ibn Taymiyyah has to say about collaborating with the Shia's ? 

Do you even know who that is or what significance he has in this discussion ? Have you ever read any of his books ? 

al-Maqdisi ?

Do you even know why Shia's called Rafidah  in the first place and what this entails ?

Do you know who Omar Bakri is ? and what happened to him when he appeared on TV and just suggested that Hezbollah could be considered Muslim in the first place  ? 

*patiently waits while you scurry off to google*

It's best to keep quiet when people who have spent years studying these things are speaking.

If I'm wrong (in which case I apologize) and you actually know what you are talking about beyond the paragraph you might have read in a high school textbook explaining Sunni and Shia as "they disagree over who should have been the next ruler" then we can go from there. Although it would have already been obvious to you that the al-Qaeda/Iran connection is a myth.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I've presented my case quite clearly using only primary sources (al-Qaeda's own literature) as well as their own actions. You provided some unverified claims in a case file from a government that attempted to use the same lies against Iraq only to be exposed shortly afterwards and insist on blindly taking their word while ignoring the fact that their word flies in the face of all fact/logic. Obviously there is no Iran/Hezbollah connection to al-Qaeda. There's absolutely no proof, and they hate/kill each other whenever given the chance (again, as I've clearly demonstrated with undeniable factual evidence). Al-Qaeda's former leader in Iraq also stated that Hezbollah was an Israeli tool that shielded Israel from attacks by Sunni's from Southern-Lebanon.

Why bother looking into things though, the US govt. said Iran works with al-Qaeda, that's good enough for me !
They (Shiites) harbor more evil and rancor against Muslims, big and small, devout and non-devout, than anyone else. They like insulting Muslims and their pious men. They are most determined to split up Muslims. Their enjoy repudiating and cursing Muslim leaders, especially the orthodox caliphs and the ulema. To them, anyone who does not believe in the infallible Imam (Al-Mahdi) -- who incidentally does not exist -- is a nonbeliever in God and the prophet, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him.

Again, the Shia are viewed as scum more vile than even the Americans/Jews to al-Qaeda. Yet they work together. Makes perfect sense. 
Al queda connection or not,  what is evident is the FACT that Iran will make a nuke (maybe already has one) and hates the jews and americans.  I am not even jewish but i am worried.
There's no doubt that Iran will eventually have nuclear weapons (I don't believe they have them yet) but my question is... so what ? Why is it our responsibility to stop them ? Because the media said so ? First of all the "wipe Israel off the map" statement was proved to be a mistranslation - you can google this for yourself. This is beside the fact that what Ahmadinejad says really doesn't matter because if you studied how Iran's government works you know that unlike in the US, the president in Iran has no power over the military.

Obviously they don't like the US/Israel.. and they have legitimate reasons to be angry. Just picture Iran having armies on both sides of our borders in Mexico and Canada and spewing propaganda to make it seem like invading the US is next. That's the position Iran is in. We can talk about their human rights problems (and trust me I hate the Iranian regime as well) but that's an internal issue for Iran and we should stop being the world police and mind our own business (we seem to have no problem ignoring what's happening in Syria now for example).

Do you know that Israel (which I consider at least as despicable of a regime as Iran) has hundreds of nuclear weapons ? Why should they be allowed to have them yet there is an uproar when Iran simply begins building nuclear power plants ? If Israel feels threatened, maybe they should take action themselves instead of wasting more American lives/$. As far as Iran using nuclear weapons on the US ? My answer is that whoever uses this to scare you into attacking Iran has probably watched too many Hollywood movies. Simply changing our policy towards Israel and removing our troops from the area would take away much of the reason they hate us in the first place. Ever stop to think about that ? Why does Iran not hate China or Russia or Brazil or Mexico etc etc ? Ron Paul has it right in this case.
Apparently, I have a bunch to read about outside of this thread, this situation is bananas. Why can't there be a humanitarian revolution? (Rhetorical)

Some good points raised here, thank you all for the information. Besides all of the, "oh snap we are about to go to war" comments, what are the odds of something actually jumping off? Would it be some type of new age Cold War battle?
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