Pentagon preparing to send US troops to Israel VOL. Here we go

fighting/possibly loosing my life for a war the upper class started for no real reason? nah i'm good.
Originally Posted by proper english

^ this guy Wr disappeared for like 2yrs... wha happened maine

Lurk mode for the most part. I comment every now and then. Must have been overshadowed by large walls of txts tho lol 
The US will always be in wars from now on until there is world "peace". As long as all the powerful people control monopolys like oil and own all these companies that supply things for war so they can generate money off wars while are tax dollars are feeding there pockets. Its only a matter of time before something happens with iran you think there just getting nuclear reactors ready and testing off long range missles for fun? We make these wars though we have been supplying israel for decades now waiting for something like this to happen.
Werd. If the draft starts up im moving to Canada or Dominican Rep or maybe Brazil.
Im not fighting for this country. That's dead
You guys are funny. If you're going to draft dodge (highly doubtful there will be a draft in the first place) I hope you're noble about it and you don't try to come back when the war is over.
It's downright sickening how we bend over and pander to Israel and the mainstream media makes it seem like your antisemitic if you ask why. We need to end our unconditional support of Israel they don't have America's best interest in mind AT ALL. We are just used for our military brawn to destroy the Arabs they oppose and because it keeps the military industrial complex going our leaders have no problems with being used.
If there is a draft, all of the felons are gonna start doing the Camron you are not the father dance. They are the only ones that are safe (ironically).
Called it in the theory thread, N.Korea will probably get involved if anything happens too. The Army is stretching thin so that draft is going hit hard. Just remember you have to sign up for the draft when you get aid for school, name is already in the system..

If it my theory comes true(lets hope not), request to change my sn to Gextradumas.
Originally Posted by thisizdray

It's downright sickening how we bend over and pander to Israel and the mainstream media makes it seem like your antisemitic if you ask why. We need to end our unconditional support of Israel they don't have America's best interest in mind AT ALL. We are just used for our military brawn to destroy the Arabs they oppose and because it keeps the military industrial complex going our leaders have no problems with being used.

The little bit of the US corporation that isn't Asian owned is Israeli owned. Supporting them isn't a choice, its an order.
Originally Posted by Wr

i mean, yall do want cheap gas and iphones still right? let the military cook

I'm sayin' though...none of ya'll are willing to change ya'lls lives when it really comes down to it.
Lets be honest, if Ron Paul gets elected, ya'll will have NONE of the pull you all have now. 

One of the reasons we have all this stuff is that we throw our weight around in the world...ya'll wanna close those bases? 

Aight then...lets see if ya'll are willing to pay more for your imported german cars, those stupid little chinese toys, or your rare parts needed for your iphones.

American Exceptionalism FTW 

Originally Posted by dro 44

Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

 If there is a draft im moving to Mexico. Dual citizenship FTW

%%%@ that.

if something goes down im fighting, i am not gonna run to another country and hide and then come back like a coward..
Define "something goes down"...The US is such an antagonist when it comes to enemies of Israel. Need proof? Look up the Stuxnet Virus. I'm a Veteran and I'll never fight again...coward? There's nothing cowardly to refusing to fight on a lie. Don't let the media fool you into "doing the right thing". 
Yo...StuxNet let me know that its getting SUPER real out there. 
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

If there is a draft im moving to Mexico. Dual citizenship FTW
Stop it. A draft is never going to happen, ever again.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

If there is a draft im moving to Mexico. Dual citizenship FTW
Stop it. A draft is never going to happen, ever again.

I'm not even sure why he brought it up. First, there would be so much uproar over it happening. Think Occupy wall Street times 1000. Also, the military isnt really hurting for more useless grunts. I mean, any military can always use more bodies, but its not at the point where we need to draft.
smh Can we even afford to fight another war? It's crazy how there is such focus on the country's debt, but the thought of starting a new war still exists. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Wr

i mean, yall do want cheap gas and iphones still right? let the military cook

I'm sayin' though...none of ya'll are willing to change ya'lls lives when it really comes down to it.
Lets be honest, if Ron Paul gets elected, ya'll will have NONE of the pull you all have now. 

One of the reasons we have all this stuff is that we throw our weight around in the world...ya'll wanna close those bases? 

Aight then...lets see if ya'll are willing to pay more for your imported german cars, those stupid little chinese toys, or your rare parts needed for your iphones.

American Exceptionalism FTW 

Well, it would be nice if they took the manufacturing companies here to the US, instead of going to war to save money 
 They lose us money..
And as far as cheaper oil, its 2012 and we shouldn't still burning fossil fuels. We need to start using alternative energy sources, but that's another argument in itself.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

If there is a draft im moving to Mexico. Dual citizenship FTW
Stop it. A draft is never going to happen, ever again.

Why do I have to register for the selective service then?
Here we go again, smh.

Don't agree with any of this, but I'd go to war if the US itself was in danger.
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