Peope Who Ride Bikes in the Middle of the Road When There's Clearly A Sidewalk Right There....

Two things:

I have a problem with the city bending over backwards to take care of the relatively insignificant bicycle traffic around here (Seattle). One example is with a relatively major arterial in the U-District. During rush hour, they had a standard "no parking" lane from 4-6 pm to increase traffic lanes from two to three. It worked fine. Cyclists would stay right, buses used that lane, and you just went around slower traffic...enter in the whiny cyclists. They felt they were in danger on that stretch of road. So the city's solution: remove the no parking signs, add a bike lane. So now, during RUSH HOUR on an arterial, there is no extra lane for cars, the cyclists get their own lane, and buses have to maneuver in and out of traffic. It's just NOT efficient.

My other beef is with cyclists who don't move over to let a line of cars go by, or are so incredibly slow it creates a backup. If cars can't cause backups of more than five, then bikes shouldn't be allowed to either. Ticket them.
I must agree that when driving I hate pedestrians, when walking I hate drivers, but I hate bike riders all the time.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

I must agree that when driving I hate pedestrians, when walking I hate drivers, but I hate bike riders all the time.


I didn't even read this thread but I came in here to say that I absolutely HATE when people ride their bikes on the sidewalk. Makes me MADDDDDDDDDD. JERKS.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

I didn't even read this thread but I came in here to say that I absolutely HATE when people ride their bikes on the sidewalk. Makes me MADDDDDDDDDD. JERKS.
Same here. I ride my bike all the time in the streets and get honked at and almost ran over all the time. I live in TN and it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk. Plus its just safer and better to ride on the street. On a busy day there is no way you can ride on the sidewalk. You'll be crashing into everybody. No swag
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