Jan 15, 2004
This is unbelievable to me. Mind boggling even! I get these DVD's from Netflix and they are so scratched up beyond belief. Sometimes cracker crumbs are stuck to them, not the label side either. Gee golly son.

I mean, how difficult is it to put your index finger in the hole and thumb on the edge of the disc and place into DVD player? You got these peoplehandling they DVD's like frisbees and Freddy Krueger is on the receiving end. These joints be straight TORE UP. I just received "Beaches" to watch w/ my girl tonite and the doggone disc isn't even recognized by my DVD player. I got Samsung son!!! I was like, "Baby.... grab a chair from the kitchen, we'll watch it on the comp." How unromantic is that.

How do you get a fingerprint on a DVD? You gotta really press on it to do that. It be adult fingerprints, too. Dummies, man.
It's the old timers that queue the DVD on their list then proceed to manhandle the disc. Either way: You shouldn't be too put off by the old people...they're doing the best that they can whilst working with an unfamiliar technological format.
i know what you mean, same thing happens to me when i get movies from blockbuster online. pisses me off. don't see how people can't properly take careof DVDs unless you're giving it to your 3 year old kid to play with or something.
It's the old timers that queue the DVD on their list then proceed to manhandle the disc. Either way: You shouldn't be too put off by the old people... they're doing the best that they can whilst working with an unfamiliar technological format.

I've seen old folks handle DVDs/CD's good and bad...some think they are scratch resistant and others are so careful they don't even wanna touchthat %$%% with there own hands...
Topic is on point. I stopped lending people my DVDs because they'd return it looking like they used it to play frisbee with their dogs. Veryunappreciated.
I just about gave up on renting movies locally because of this epidemic. They should make a protective film or something for them.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I just about gave up on renting movies locally because of this epidemic. They should make a protective film or something for them.

All DVDs and CDs have a protective layer on them. If they didnt, even a the smallest microscopic scratch and make the disc unplayable.
That's why I don't let other people get a hold of my cd's or dvd's...or anything I own, cause I know they won't take care of it as well asI do...I'm sure if the people that put the fingerprints on the dvd really owned the dvds instead of havin to send it back, the finger print would never bethere.
Ive been a netflix member since Jan. 07. never had a problem with any of my dvds. i do a quick windex clean on the dvd before i pop them in also. I LOVENETFLIX. i get new movies all the time, got We Own the Night day after it released along with many other titles.
Hahaha ... one of our family gatherings, my dad was trying to put on a dvd .. then after several failed attempts he comes to my room and asks me to fix it ...and guess what ??? Instead of actually putting the dvd into the machine, he just placed it on top of the machine.

But yeh, I take real good care of my dvd/cds and i hate it when i lend it to a friend or take it over to their place and the case gets scratched/cracked andthe dvd/cd itself gets scratches ... SMH
I pretty picky on how my DVD's games and cd's are handled. They are all stacked up nice and neat, and always in the case. No scratches.
I wish they still made VHS. They were way less delicate, there was no menu, and you could fast forward whenever you wanted.
Originally Posted by Blai213

Hahaha ... one of our family gatherings, my dad was trying to put on a dvd .. then after several failed attempts he comes to my room and asks me to fix it ...
and guess what ??? Instead of actually putting the dvd into the machine, he just placed it on top of the machine.

But yeh, I take real good care of my dvd/cds and i hate it when i lend it to a friend or take it over to their place and the case gets scratched/cracked and
the dvd/cd itself gets scratches ... SMH
the *@*$???
Originally Posted by NYelectric

I wish they still made VHS. They were way less delicate, there was no menu, and you could fast forward whenever you wanted.

yes and no.

less delicate on the outside.. however, the tape that was encased on the inside was way fragile and very prone to quality loss (color, sound, etc.).
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