People not understanding sarcasm/humor unappreciation

Originally Posted by 93SnakedFox

the coolest people are the ones who get your jokes and play along and take it to a higher level and more perverted and sarcastic

Yes, I find that freaking hilarious.

I hate it, though, when I have no response to theirs. I'm like "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

and think of the perfect response after they leave like "damnn, i had 'em"
1. sarcasm is the clever person's sense of humor imo.

2. dumb girls who don't get sarcasm are annoying, but if they're decent looking with functional vaginas then they're not useless.

3. guys who overuse sarcasm are even worse. i always find that people who are overly sarcastic are a bit nerdy/geeky. or in middle school.

4. you have to know your audience. sometimes i want to be sarcastic. but i know the people/person i'm with is probably too dumb to find it funny.

5. if your sarcasm isn't understood, 90% of the time it's not the other person's fault, it's your fault. it either means you didn't knowyour audience, or it was poorly delivered.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by 93SnakedFox

the coolest people are the ones who get your jokes and play along and take it to a higher level and more perverted and sarcastic

Yes, I find that freaking hilarious.

I hate it, though, when I have no response to theirs. I'm like "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

and think of the perfect response after they leave like "damnn, i had 'em"

this happens to me all the time
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

nothing more frustrating than when a dumb chick doesnt get a simple joke and thinks youre talking @#$%

OMFG!!! This happened to me last week. For a second I actually thought she was gonna swing at me. Mind you, the "joke/sarcastic remark" wasn'tsexual or lewd in ANY way. One would have thought otherwise though, given her reaction. It should go without saying that I am pretty much hated now.

I was contemplating whether I should try to clear things up because like QueenCitySneakerQueen said: "A lot of times it just goes right over people'sheads and they take it the wrong way." But after reading this post, I'll probably take the L and hope that the next one gets me. SMH at this wholesituation...
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

in real life i am always throwing out perverted jokes or making sarcastic comments... it's great and catches people who first meet me off guard.

it all depends on the person really. some people you have chemistry with (whether it be platonic/romantic) , and some you don't. some people get your humor, and some are just stupid.

the coolest people are the ones who get your jokes and play along and take it to a higher level and more perverted and sarcastic. its unappreciated when people don't get it and take it seriously and start arguments and catch attitudes and feelings

like lighten up hombre


Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

nothing more frustrating than when a dumb chick doesnt get a simple joke and thinks youre talking @#$%, or when youre bein sarcastic and dudes start goin extra hard at you thinkin that youre serious

Just happened two days ago. I was just
yea, sarcasm usually takes some brains to figure out. so people that aren't that smart usually take it as being mean. I personally am a big fan of it but Irealize that not everyone is. especially chicks here on the left coast...
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

It really sucks when someone doesn't understand sarcasm or your particular style of humor.

Finding a chick that appreciates your sense of humor/sarcasm and who, at the same time makes you laugh, is mad appreciated.
It's SO frustrating when I deal with chicks who don't get ANY jokes or sarcasm.

From my experiences, it's always the ones with book smarts who don't get anything.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

nothing more frustrating than when a dumb chick doesnt get a simple joke and thinks youre talking @#$%, or when youre bein sarcastic and dudes start goin extra hard at you thinkin that youre serious
The %@%+ did you say to me?

LOOL that was funny!
Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

It really sucks when someone doesn't understand sarcasm or your particular style of humor.

Finding a chick that appreciates your sense of humor/sarcasm and who, at the same time makes you laugh, is mad appreciated.
It's SO frustrating when I deal with chicks who don't get ANY jokes or sarcasm.

From my experiences, it's always the ones with book smarts who don't get anything.
you, my friend, don't have enough experience then. An educated girl is more likely to catch the subtleties and nuances that good sarcasm candeliver. get out more.
Originally Posted by LadyIntellect

Originally Posted by briannnnn

Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

It really sucks when someone doesn't understand sarcasm or your particular style of humor.

Finding a chick that appreciates your sense of humor/sarcasm and who, at the same time makes you laugh, is mad appreciated.
It's SO frustrating when I deal with chicks who don't get ANY jokes or sarcasm.

From my experiences, it's always the ones with book smarts who don't get anything.
you, my friend, don't have enough experience then. An educated girl is more likely to catch the subtleties and nuances that good sarcasm can deliver. get out more.
Yeah, you're right...some of these "smart" girls I've met in life were just so stupid on other things

I guess you could say they lacked "refinement."
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