people that live in NYC. what does it feel like visiting another city.

Sep 16, 2003
for example houston, kansas city, seattle, atlanta. whenever i visit nyc its like another world compared to when i visit the ones i just mentioned because theyall alike in some ways.
It feels weird.

I visited Oklahoma once and I felt like I was on another planet.

Like, I ain't never even seen a real cow before till' I visited OK.
You make it sound like nyc is so mystical
It is wierd.. I just went to Boston this past weekend.. so clean and people are so much nicer.. its a culture shock

tho I will admit it seemed like there are almost as many if not more homeless people there
i went to philly last week

and i was trying to light up... but there were no spots lol.. normally you can spark up in like union square .. but the park in philly was filled with oldwoman

i used to go to harvard (boston) for United nations.. and trains would stop working after a certain time... got me all

no city compares to nyc
Hands down, Other Cities> NYC. This opinion is based on the societal issues. NYC peeps are ignant & arrogant. lol.
i prefer nyc over boston and atl

i never messed with any other major cities
Feels weird. Cities aren't as diverse as NYC and I really don't like that. I love the melting pot of cultures and languages when you walk around andhow different each neighborhood is depending on who are the residents.

When I compare it to the south I always laugh at how people in the project housing here thinks they have it bad. Man the slums in the south are much worst.

Then I just love how we have everything we want here. Theaters (broadway and movie), every sports event, clubs bars and lounges by the thousands depending onyour mood, any kind of store of boutique you can imagine with moms and pops stores that have the same thing for cheaper as well, and our MTA system (as much asit sucks it's so well connected so you practically don't need a car). No other city has a combo of these things. Almost every city I visited in thestates was missing some of these things.
Only small city I been too was somewhere in Virgina. All the quietness/darkness freaked me out lmaoo. I mean I've been to philly and boston and it has thesame vibe as a "major city"

When we were in Virgina, by 10pm it seemed like no1 was out.. every1 knew we were from out of town as well
usually sucks
people are nice
cars stop for you when you cross the street
people walk slow and smile at you
no 3 card monty
i usually get sick of it rather quickly
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Feels weird. Cities aren't as diverse as NYC and I really don't like that. I love the melting pot of cultures and languages when you walk around and how different each neighborhood is depending on who are the residents.

When I compare it to the south I always laugh at how people in the project housing here thinks they have it bad. Man the slums in the south are much worst.

Then I just love how we have everything we want here. Theaters (broadway and movie), every sports event, clubs bars and lounges by the thousands depending on your mood, any kind of store of boutique you can imagine with moms and pops stores that have the same thing for cheaper as well, and our MTA system (as much as it sucks it's so well connected so you practically don't need a car). No other city has a combo of these things. Almost every city I visited in the states was missing some of these things.
Every big city in America has of that. The only difference is NYC has the original Broadway venues and other cities have variants.
NYC does not have a 21st century amusement park with large rides though.

No, Coney Island does not count.
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

It is wierd.. I just went to Boston this past weekend.. so clean and people are so much nicer.. its a culture shock
dang NYC must be dirty and mean as hell
i visited philly last week.. it was so weird to me

like you know how when you go to a theme park like six flags or disney word and they have those fake towns ... thats how it felt to me, like everythingwasn't real. idk how to describe it
thats what happens with you get NYC-spoiled, other cities just seem to suck, or just lack something
even outside of nyc in long island i notice that the drivers are nicer to pedestrians and so on. altho there are a lot more dumb women drivers in hugeexpensive suv's.

i like leaving nyc every once in a while and experiencing something different. sometimes i just get sick of the repeated routine.
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