people that live in NYC. what does it feel like visiting another city.

My mom lives out in ATL and I can honestly say after visiting her 4 or 5 times a year for the past 3 years I still can't stay down their longer than aweek. Its like I go crazy or some $%$, I mean don't get me wrong it has its positives cleaner, nicer people, and the "hoods" make me laugh quitefrankly, but most importantly the females, ain't nothin better than them thick ATL chicks they looove NY dudes somethin serious that southern hospitalityis definitly a plus but still at the end of the day the place is just lame to me and I can never see myself getting use to it even if I wanted too.
i like visiting other cities.

gives you a new perspective and sometimes even a "wow" vibe because it feels so different.

obviously, you can't help but to compare it to your city.

but it makes you appreciate NYC even more, imo.

but if you're a true NYer, you can't help but to miss it if you've been gone for a while.

i'm at school year-round, but the city still gives me that "there's really nothing like this" feeling every time i go back.
how far do people in NYC have to travel to hike, go fishing, go snowboarding/skiing and other outdoor activities
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

its like going to staten island but better
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

It is wierd.. I just went to Boston this past weekend.. so clean and people are so much nicer.. its a culture shock

tho I will admit it seemed like there are almost as many if not more homeless people there

boston is pretty clean. they take care their streets. too bad the transit system stops at like 1230/1am.

coming from queens, I live in philly now since im studying full time at Temple university and i can pretty much say this city is TRASH.

1.Transit system is still on that token tip
and shuts off at 1230am.
2. North Philly is extra hood with so much trash/feces on the streets you'd tink you in a third world environment.
3. mad hobos and/or mofos askin for random amounts of change...or a token.
4. fat city.
5. madd tom foolery around the city (dudes lookin extra broke with mad long beards and capris, putting 27" chromes on broke ++$ cars like a buick, crown vic, or your standard mid 90s minivan
, plus the drivers put the seat all the way back when driving)
6. only 1 movie theater in all north philly, and its crzy ghetto. (people dont +$$%, pick up their cell phones let alone putem on vibrate, etc).
7. high crime.
8. i don't understand why philly is obsessed with scented oils. thats just cheap as %#@!. what really gets me is dudes tryin to hustle this $hyt in the streets, opening up a bottle and rollin up on you hard, pause, like "you try this out homie" and im like

im venting. bottom line nyc > philly.
I agree with some things but talking like NY isn't dirty please. Septa is wack for the trains (rest of septa runs 24/7 what are you talkingabout
) You just sound like somebody that just can't go far offTu campus cause Philly isn't NY but its stuff to do here. I agree about that but about the movies you act like you can't go to another movie theathermust not have a car here. Also everybody in Philly doesn't do scented oil but its so much of it I can see why you get that impression and the cats withthe driving with seats way back.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by the north west

how far do people in NYC have to travel to hike, go fishing, go snowboarding/skiing and other outdoor activities
about 45 min-hour
Good snowboarding about 2-2.5 hours. Depending if you want to go upstate or Pennsylvania. Fishing and hiking can start withing 30 mins but youcan go to farther more secluded areas.
i personally love it b/c i know i'm going back ... when i first went away to school (pittsburgh) i was like
... and visiting other small towns wherekids grew up / lived

but now as i've traveled more ... i enjoy everywhere and just about every place is "newer" and cleaner ...

favorite places outside of new york ... Beijing, London, Chicago ...

most recent place ... Kansas City ... was 1000000x better than i ever thought it would be ... the power and light district
It feel weird like if everything is just so much slower. It's also weird because in some places, people are so much nicer and actually apologize when theybump into you instead of wanting to yell and throw theri hands up. The one problem I find is that people from other states don't know how ot walk, too slowfor me.
You guys are taking the ninja hood thing way too far
This guy can't even make a post without a reference to his room
it's a total culture shock especially if you go anywhere outside the tri-state. You get a new sense of what America really is, NYC is truly a place untoitself, unlike anywhere else in the country, and you realize it right away.
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

how many of you are adults and still don't have driver's licenses?
this is the most important post in this thread...

as you get older all that busyness of new york will get tiresome and won't be as 'cool' and 'fun'...

i've always said NYC is a great place to live when you're a teenager to about college years...after that only if you are making good money80-100k...this type of money allows you to live on the outskirts of the city...NJ, some parts of queens, and long island...and if you are really ballin'some places in the city

if you are under that income living in NYC you are wasting your life in my on top of eachother in small triplexes and double parkingeverywhere...and the busyness is disgusting to me.

i think the people in here who say NYC is nice because there is a lot of things to do all day long...will change their mind when they get older and think aboutstarting a family.
it feels different. u can tell the air changes once u leave nyc. but for the most part i love leaving the city. i guess im sick of the noise and people.
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