people using the bathroom after you took a viscious dump unappreciation

carry some matching with you
wow this just happened to me..but luckily they were going in there to barf..or maybe my smell made them barf...i dont quite
Originally Posted by tru2theegame

wow this just happened to me..but luckily they were going in there to barf..or maybe my smell made them barf...i dont quite
i thought of playing it off and saying i threw up butany human would know vomit cant smell like that! unless you throwin up %%$+
Originally Posted by T i c a l

If there's someone there waiting when I walk out I matter of factly tell them that they don't want to go in there.
I do the same thing, i tell anyone who is trying to go after the bathroom after me that they dont need to go in there for a good amount ofminutes. I say it with a little humor added to it though to lighten up the mood
you gotta master the art of the " quick flush " . while its dropping flush at the same time. in my mind the suction of the flush always ushers thefarts away as well. when your done it smells like noone was there. also try and get a shampoo bottle and pour some in the water before hand and while yourpoopin sqeeze the bottle so just the smell gets in the air.

i am a master pooper, trust me .............
ok 95% of the time when i drop anchor its at my spot or my parents crib in which case if my brother or 1 of my sisters goes in the restroom after me its purecomedy to see their reaction to the smell. but anyway im at this get together at the homies place and i been eatin a bunch of bull %$#@ all day long which leadto me using his bathroom and im in there for about 10-15 minutes which is long already...long story short right as i come out this baaaaaaaaaad little shortywalks past me in the hallway like 5'3'' light skin. thick! she smiles and just gives a friendly hi so im like "what up"
thinking in my head please god dont let her go in the bathroom she seen mecome out theres no way i can deny it was me. sure enough i see her go to open the bathroom door so i got out as quickly as possible to avoid seeing the
on her face after the funk hit her. so im out in the back yard a whilelater sippin brew thinkin its all good and she walks out like "you aiight?" laughing. im just like
theres no looking smooth after that 1

No its appreciated...I want people to know I'm capable of such damage

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