People who dont smoke

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Il prescelto- i def see what ur trying to say of course people are gonna brag about drinking while, playing but that doesent mean thats why there playing in the first place.

Example- say me and my boy are watching a bball game and we bought a thirty pack, then i notice iv downed 7 and hes downed 3 yea i might make fun of him for babysitting and call him a lightwieght, but that doesent mean we only started watching the game so we could drink.

yea of course, i mean it obviously varies from person to person and from activity to activity. all i'm saying is that just like there's often a bragging component in the marijuana culture, there's an equal if not larger component in the alcohol culture.
and i'm not even saying that's bad! some bragging, as long as it's not excessive, is even good and funny. i mean, it's $$*! in a couple days, i'll probably laugh at a couple of statuses about weed, just like i'd laugh at a couple "bragging" statuses about some party on new's only the hypersensitive noobs in this thread who get their panties in a bunch cuz some guy decided to upload pics of his quarter ounce of schwag on facebook
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Wait... you're telling me there are people out there who judge and criticize others?

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Me and my homies smoke marijuana. I feel like people who drink do it to brag about how much they drink, what their tolerance is and do it to prove to others they can handle the liquor. 
Can't wait to toke.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]At my old job I noticed this.. All dudes talked about was how much they could drink, going to to the bar, getting +#!%#$ up, beer this, liquor that etc [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. One grown man in particular (Franky, about 30 something years of age) lost about 4 iPhones in the year I worked with him. All from being drunk
. I just wanna light up and read/watch some mind blowing ##*+ in the privacy of my home.[/color]
People just think it's cool to do something that's taboo and want to broadcast that to all their friends.
I don't smoke btw.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by WhatADingus

I don't get the alcohol vs. smoking thing. People I know who drink just do it on the weekends or for fun or whatever. So many weed smokers make it a huge part of their life/do it daily. "It makes you appreciate music." If you need it to appreciate music then you need to listen to different music.
never heard that one before, but wouldn't be surprised about it

You seriously never heard that?

90%-95% of your itunes= music made by high people.

and 85% of them are high on some other shh that is not weed
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

why does it seem that people who dont 
always seem so angry about weed. like they are always saying how its lame
Cause many of you dudes that do smoke, try to act like you're cool for smoking.  No one cares, stop listening to wiz khalifa, stop taking pictures of you smoking, stop making statuses about how youre gonna roll one go away.

I smoke a lot and I hate this! I don't smoke to look cool or pit up a front
*!$@ is so damb annoying. Me and my people smoke a lot but don't be broadcasting it to the world. Might make a post here or there but not bragging about it likes its a big deal
the people I'm cool with who don't smoke don't speak bad about or mind cuz we don't make it a big deal or post everyday about how much we smoke. Might make some pothead jokes but that's it.
maybe you need new friends
most of the people around me smoke.

i don't. don't like the feeling. ill stick to the beer and liquor.
All these sanctimonious prohibitionist dudes need to 
and press play on that  planet earth 1080p at least once
Don't smoke... I dont like being around cigarettes but i don't mind being around bud smoke 

However being around stoned people when you're sober is the worst
real life...

(used to drink and smoke, stopped because both got boring)
no matter what... smoking vs. drinking... its mad annoying seeing people post it up... whether its on instagram or facebook or twitter...

"oo look youre smoking again... nice?" "oo look yall got 4 bottles of hennessy... awesome?"
i dont see whats so cool about it...

this is why i have none of those things... same goes for people that always go and post pics of their food... smh...


smoking vs. drinking, you always have people bragging about how much they can or did... (more drinkers than smokers esp. white dudes... no racism just notice it amongst my friends)

its not fun to have hangovers... its not fun not to not remember the night before... its not fun to pass out or look like an idiot...

its not fun to be so high you cant move either... (btw smoking>drinking, just because... you dont feel like poop the next day and stuff)

yall aint cool... youre not the first to do it...
you smoke? aight dope...
you drink? ok cool....
real life...

also... people who have never smoked or drink and judge people are idiots... and have no say... and their opinion doesnt matter...

i think smoking is better than alcohol... like alcohol gets you sick and gets you real stupid... some greens... not so much....
I agree with most sentiments in here.  I have never smoked anything in my life but i drink.

I basically deleted facebook for the reasons stated.  I can't take all my "friends" with their status trying to brag about how drunk/high they got.  That was basically all it ever was.

I honestly don't smoke weed because it's illegal.  If i could go into a store and buy it like i can alcohol i would smoke every once in a while.  But none of my friends really smoke anymore its like they all grew out of it.  So now we just grab drinks at happy hour or something.  I will probably start smoking weed when im old and have kids and have hit cruise control on life.
i dont smoke tried it never cared for it,for all my people who bun summit do ya thing
I smoke on the regular but you would never know it unless we got in a conversation about trees or if you were one my boys I was sparking with. I have to agree with the non-smokers in this thread tho that get annoyed with chiefers trying to force the herbs onto people and post pictures all on the Internet looking for props for getting fried. That's beyond lame even though it dosent really bother me personally or get me heated like I see it does some of y'all. I feel like if you smoke you smoke. If you don't, mo for me I could care less. Only thing that blows me is talking to my friends when they are high as #@*# and I'm sober
Edit: I drink as well. YOLO
I notice on NT alot of smokers go the whole "people are brainwashed by propaganda" route. #+++ you hippie.

I dabble in da green btw
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

why does it seem that people who dont 
always seem so angry about weed. like they are always saying how its lame
Cause many of you dudes that do smoke, try to act like you're cool for smoking.  No one cares, stop listening to wiz khalifa, stop taking pictures of you smoking, stop making statuses about how youre gonna roll one go away.

If you smoke, cool. But im really not trying to hear you rap to me about it all day. not that srs bro.
Originally Posted by djaward

I hate it when people smoke weed around me because that mess stinks. I hate it even more when people smoke weed in the club and then get mad when security guards ask them to put it out. And dude up there is right, most people who smoke think they're extra hard because they're smoking weed. I really dont care if you smoke, thats your business. Just do it in private or away from me. Thats all.
My ex-wife used to smaoke everyday. It got annoying because every conversation we ever had always seemed to lead to weed. We could have been talking about a Ferrari and it would lead to her talking about weed.

It seems like people that smoke a lot talk about nothing but smoking, it's annoying.

I wish they would just legalize it so that smoking weed wouldn't be so taboo and once everyone was doing it, it wouldn't be "cool" anymore.
Blown, wish i was lit right now......................................................

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