People who over-update on Facebook vol. OMG STOP....

Aug 12, 2008
Sometimes I wish people would make up their mind about their facebook statuses. You've seen these folk...they change their status about 25 times a day(usually about their relationship) and it almost sounds like they're arguin with theyselves. These people appear on your news feed every other'story'. Its actually really ###%!* annoying if you know what I'm talkin about.

If you don't, I present a sample from the (fictional) Alicia. Alicia is that Facebook friend we all have that we don't know that well, but she added usanyway because she decided that everybody needs to read Alicia Digest. Maybe you went to high school with her, maybe you work with her, maybe she just livesaround you...eitha way, it usually goes something like:

9:17am- Alicia is: in bed...just woke up thinkin about her baby...damn I love that man...
[Shante likes this!]
Kevin wrote: I love u too babe
Alicia wrote: Aww my baby pie sweetiebuns blah blah blah

10:24am: Alicia posted 53 new pictures (12 of her and her bf, 41 of pretty much the same pic of herself from different angles in the bathroom mirror)

11:43am- Alicia is: *insert some random Beyonce/Keri Hilson quote she thinks describes her*
[Alicia likes this!]
[Kevin likes this!]
Kevin wrote: *random Weezy/Drake quote as a response*
Alicia wrote: LOL!
Shante wrote: Y'all are soooo cute together...I wish I had a bf...

1:05pm- Alicia is: wondering what changed...I can't take this anymore, I'm wondering if this relationship is worth it...
(1 comment)
Shante wrote: I told you about him...he ain't no good anyway...

1:11pm: Alicia is now tagged as 'single'.

2:23pm- Alicia is: wondering what she's gonna do now...its cool I'm 2 blessed 2 be stressed lol
[Shante likes this!]
Shante wrote: Its all good girl...boys like buses miss one next 15 another one comin LOL
Alicia wrote: Gucci! LOL

2:41 pm: Alicia is now tagged as 'In a Relationship'

3:06pm- Alicia is: thinkin about her boo...can't wait to see you tonight babe <3
[Kevin likes this!]
[Shante likes this!]
Shante wrote: I'm soooo glad to see y'all back together!
Kevin wrote: I'm sry was my fault...
Alicia wrote: Yeah I know...jk LOL I'm just glad I got u...
Kevin wrote: Me 2 *mwah*

4:15pm- Alicia is: on her way 2 bestie's to get her hair done!
[Kevin likes this!]
Kevin wrote: It's about time...LOL jk...
Alicia wrote: shut up Kevin lol
Shante wrote: You betta leave my friend alone boy! And u betta have ur hair washed, @%+!
Alicia wrote: LOL I hate y'all...

6:03pm- Alicia is: gettin her hair fresh and so clean...
[Shante likes this!]
[Kevin likes this!]
Shante wrote: Stay still so I can braid ur ++*+ right...
Alicia wrote: Stop pullin so hard u gon make a %%$#* bald LOL
Shante wrote: Ungrateful %**

8:24pm- Alicia is: on her way to spend the night with her man...I'm comin babe! <3
[Kevin likes this!]
Kevin wrote: wear the black one this time *insider*
Alicia wrote: lol u silly...see u soon I love u...

10:30am: Alicia is now tagged as 'single'

10:32am- Alicia is: done with men and is focusing on school, work and God...
[Shante likes this!]
Shante wrote: See, that's why I don't have a bf...dudes is nothin but trouble...
Alicia wrote: I know girl...I don't need that in my life...

11:17am- Alicia is: missin her dude...
[Shante likes this!]

11:56am: Alicia is now tagged as 'It's Complicated'

You get the general picture here. This ain't Twitter, ya dumb truck...take that ++*+ over there. Its just irritating as hell to read some people'swhole personal lives against your will, especially since on average about 45-75% of your Facebook friends ain't REALLY 'friends' at all, just folkyou know from...somewhere. Its really weird not to say 3 words to a person in real life and know every single hourly update on their existence. I personallysuggest a 5-status-change-a-day limit (which is still a bit much, but there should be a cap somwhere) but since I know good ole Mark Zuckerberg ain't goinfor that, if I see this type of ++*+ from any of my Facebook friends, they gets deleted...hit the showers. Its a good policy, and it works for me. AJ is:deleting some folk right now.
This is why the ability to block people/applications from your Newsfeed is the best feature that Facebook offers.
Damn son, this must really get to you huh..

On Fb i just check my stuff, see what i gotta see and im gone.
..Yeah, I have some that does that
Originally Posted by pdouly33

This is why the ability to block people/applications from your Newsfeed is the best feature that Facebook offers.

Farmville - gone!
LOL... I'm not going to read all that but I hear you.

Facebook is quickly becoming the college student / young adult's avenue for comparison with their peers and the like. It's essentially the MySpace. Twitter is where it's at...
Doesn't make no sense

As soon as I see one person post up results from some lame, random quiz(which Lil Wayne song describes you at night) I know ima see 30 other people put up thesame one...with THE SAME RESULTS

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Doesn't make no sense

As soon as I see one person post up results from some lame, random quiz(which Lil Wayne song describes you at night) I know ima see 30 other people put up the same one...with THE SAME RESULTS


OH, I forgot this...I hate those effin quizzes too, and the next Facebook friend who sends me one is gonna get poked in real life...right in the eye.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Am I the only one whos never made a twitter, facebook or myspace?

Well, you're a mod so odds is you a lil older than most of us...there is a generational gap here...but if youre under 21, then yes. It's 2009, Ithought everybody in my age bracket was on at least one of the 3...
the OP has me dyin... i kno of 4 ppl who do that on a regular basis... i already hid their updates as soon as that feature was available
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