Perinium Sunning. Tanning....for your B-hole...


May 6, 2007

Vol. wypeepo.

Can’t believe this is a thing. This “health influencer” looks extremely unhealthy but swears by this new fad. Meagan said this "perineum sunning" boosts her energy, improves her sleep, and even increases her sexual energy and creativity.

She said 30 seconds is "the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on" and the practice is "truly more energizing than slamming cups of coffee."

bruh what??? I’m pretty open minded but I can honestly say I would never try this.
real talk you guys need to let your meat get some sun once in a while.
think about it.....when was the last time your meat got natural sunlight.

it helps.
If folks can believe not-jerking off can temporarily boost IQ, strength, and focus then folks can make an argument for this
It is scientifically proven nofap boosts testosterone 100+% after 7 days. If you don't think healthy testosterone levels aid in strength, focus, and mental cognition then you don't know science. A lot of young men nowadays display symptoms of low testosterone.
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