Peter Schiff (A Guy Who +everyone+ Laughed At) Predicted A Recession Was Coming Back In 2006-

May 28, 2005
Forgive me for not embedding...

heres vid of this Peter Schiff guy predicting the recession and is laughed at.
I would love to have a "told you so" moment documented like this.

I hate Fox News as much as the next man...but i dont think they should be discussed too much...
at everyone laughing at him. I can only hope they remember this.
Originally Posted by jpap348

at everyone laughing at him. I can only hope they remember this.
ben stein apologized in some article he wrote.

art laffer said on bill maher he can only "predict" the economy 9months into the future
guy predicted it even before that, like back in 2002, too lazy to look for the video but he's being interviewed by a woman on some program that looks likeits for public access

ive been following what this guy has been saying since mid september when this crisis "began" and definitely get what he's saying but as ofrecently ive started thinking about mortgage derivatives like CDSs and ive been wondering if these derivatives werent so bad and the problems fell mostly onthe mortgages themselves, would things really be as bad has he predicted over the last few years??? cause ithink ive heard that the troubled mortgages themselves only amount to a couple dozen billion (nowhere near 700)

the reason i say this is cause in most of the old videos ive seen of him, ive never really heard him talk about the problems of mortgage derivatives, its as ifhe just generalized the housing bubble itself as the start of the collapse
Amazing Clip, really shows how informed these talking heads people listen to all day REALLY are.

I don't have the indepth knowledge to say a whole bunch, but honestly dudes concepts are my own personally feelings about the market in general. Americahasn't built ACTUAL wealth, but rather just was figuring out all sorts of ways to create FAKE profits through manipulating numbers etc etc. I'minterested to know what all these supposed "financial wiz kids" on niketalk who casually throw around "oh nice you posted a picture of cash, butwhat stocks do you own" or "I don't collect paper money, I collect ROTH IRAS" will have to say now when there supposed stocks crash andinflation causes the growth of their roth IRAS to be near meaningless.
Originally Posted by deceptikk0n

great clip.
sad that people werent even considering his points.
Yeah, I can't believe they were actually laughing at him. I only wish I can see the video where he tells everyone "I told you so".Everyone else was making fruitless speculations on how the economy will rise based on the current (back then of course) economic trend while he actually didhis homework and stated the facts. Dude definitely appreciated.
Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

at ben stein. "subprime is tiny tiny blimp"
"stocks will be a lot higher a year from now"
"financials are super bargains"
Subprimes are a blip. that only started the chain of events. CDS market. Which I think the guy kept trying to refer to in the Ben Stein part ofthe vid.
how many interviews are in the opposing viewpoints and wouldve been shown if we continued to grow. i guess what im saying is, I just dont understand lookingback and saying" I told you so" when theres hundreds of viewpoints with a different spin on the views at hand. meaning, theres an I told you somoment everyday.
I hope he took his own advice with his money. If I were him I'd be damn sure to make a phone call or two to everyone who laughed at the points on thosetalk shows and just rub it in.
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