Peyton Manning cleared to play 2012 season....

Peyton please stay out of the NFC. Glad you're back doe..

On another note, if Peyton can come back and withstand a few more seasons of the NFL and stay healthy shouldnt we be focusing on the success of this crazy technology. It'll be stem cell research used successful enough for someone to withstand multiple seasons of the NFL. Nerves that werent there are now there. And now he can play. Thats crazy. I dont know why this isnt being used in the US yet. Its hard to believe people are actually against this research.
My dude
hes not back yet he is cleared from the neck issue but he has nerve damage in his arm which is what is holding him back........a teammate of his is spreading a rumor that he has no power in his throws and cant throw over 20 yards......this nerve thing is serious
Thank You

That clown Irsay is going to have to cut him at this point.

This will be interesting but for the love of God please dont go to the ********. Anyone but them
Arizona's flexibility: The Cardinals have until March 17 to decide whether or not to pay a $7 million bonus to keep Kevin Kolb for 2012. The Colts have until March 8 to decide whether or not to pay a $28 million bonus to keep Manning. The time between those dates would let Arizona consider its options if the Colts decided against paying Manning.

Manning's health: Yes, Manning was cleared to resume his career. That is a positive step, but it's tough to know when or even if he'll be ready to perform at a high level. His neck injury is only part of the story. Nerve issues in Manning's throwing arm remain. Those issues could linger past the March 17 deadline for Kolb's bonus payment. The Cardinals presumably would not commit to Manning at Kolb's expense without feeling confident in Manning's ability to play well.

Moving up the timetable: Manning wants to know his fate before March 8. If any player has earned such consideration, it is Manning. The scouting combine is scheduled to begin in less than three weeks, right here in Indy. The combine would provide a perfect opportunity for team doctors from around the league to examine Manning if teams knew he would be available to them. The combine would also provide an opportunity for the Colts to embrace Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck, their likely choice with the No. 1 overall choice. If the Colts feel as though Manning will have a hard time recapturing past form, why hold onto him?
My God, if he really is healthy, and Irsay releases him ima be soooooooo !%**$%# angry. I dont give a damn about Luck
Does not surprise me at all. In the recent weeks, it seemed to become less and less the actual nerve regeneration than it was tricep disintegration. That's the issue as it stands today. That is, whether Peyton has enough time to build his arm strength back up in time to be 85% of the Peyton we all knew, before training camp.
Irsay is not going to pay him the 28M bonus. That would be stupid and any assertion that he should is also stupid.
What he should do is rework his contract. So that they can have both Peyton and Luck.
In the NFL you can cut someone almost anytime.
Peyton with his work ethic deserves the chance to prove his ability. Training camp is about 5 months away, by then everyone should be able to see his arm strength.
If he cant do it Peyton himself would walk away. He doesnt look like the type that wants to be anything less than his former self
more so even that any of his fans.
Also lets say he is completely healthy and Irsay is determined to be a colts +!+, he can still release him or trade him before the start of
Peyton would get signed within a day if he wanted to and still walk into the 1st day of training camp with enough time to get familiar with new team.  
Peyton Manning will be a Miami Dolphin next season, my man is going to beast out throwing to Marshall and Bess.
On a side note...

The amount of shoddy reporting that has taken place over this Manning situation is disgusting. Sports Reporting has been ruined in large part because of twitter. And this is one of the reasons I got into the sports media business.

The act of being first, has taken over the idea of being correct. Everyone just wants to be the man who breaks a story, even if they don't fact check, everyone and their mother has "sources."

People who have made false reports left and right put a black eye on the sports journalism world, how do you earn trust that way?

Glad Peyton will play, hopefully he lands in the proper spot (not the ********)

Bingo. There's two other factors here for today's state of the media: 1) They know people as a whole don't care if they are wrong, 2) They (media members, bloggers) know they have no accountability or any superiors watching over them.

And like any other walk of life if you don't have big brother watching you then you are free to do whatever you want that best suits your interest.

This Manning story was and is a perfect storm for these media trolls. No one knows anything other than Manning and his doctors. No one. So the media cannot scoop anything and they have to rely on their own guesswork and what they think is going to happen and what storyline best suits their click rates.

"Back in the day" reporters and journalists knew they had to get the correct scoop, they had to sit on stories until they were 100% right and filled with proper quotes, they had to get it through multiple editors, and if they got something wrong they were reprimanded, suspended, fired, etc.

Does that structure still exist now? In certain places. But those are your "grandpa's" places. That chain is almost long gone now and instead journalists are told by their superiors, "I don't care what you do or write. We need the clicks because we need the ads."

Twitter continues to be just another extension of their agenda and that's getting more clicks and more attention for themselves.

Manning story is not correct? Who cares. We got clicks. We don't get punished. Next.
Whoa whoa whoa....

First of Irsay would be stupid to cut Peyton. Luck is a great talent BUT HE HASNT WON ANYTHING IN HIS CAREER. He's always been so so in big games, never won one. Peyton is proven and that offense needs him. This dude basically made careers out of no name receivers and tight ends. The only NFL QB Ive ever seen call his own plays. Come on!

And Arizona would be just as stupid to sign him. They traded their best corner, a 2nd rounder and spent gobs of money to get Kolb, why don't they just let him play a full year under the new system? He didn't even play a whole season, and he has a good backup in Skelton. What they need to do is work on that O line, they are set at QB.

And ok the nerve is good now. But can he throw? That's the 28 million dollar question. This is his third surgery. I say see what happens, there is no reason why Peyton shouldn't retire a Colt. They are not gonna rebuild that franchise anytime soon if they cut him.
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