Photo Request Vol. I lost count

Jul 15, 2006
I saw a pic posted way back when of Jamarcus Russell getting out of what seemed to be a jet and it said something to the effect of "Get in, Get paid, go home". I serched NT and google but couldn't find the particualr pic. Anyone care to share it with me. Got a poster in mind that I want to make but need to see the pic first. thanks NT
I tried but no such luck. Went thru 21 pages of Jamarcuss russel pics on google and couldn't find it.
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

google "Jamarcus Russel fur coat" ..

first pic homie
I got that pic before. I was just looking for the photoshopped type thing where it said "Get in, Get paid, Go home" or whatever it said. If anyone remembers what it is , I'd appreciate the help.

Ohh my bad. Yeah I tried finding it too.. @$%# like this bothers me when I can't find it.. I know the exact pic you are talking about.
Original Post:

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I saw a pic posted way back when of Jamarcus Russell getting out of what seemed to be a jet and it said something to the effect of "Get in, Get paid, go home". I searched NT and google but couldn't find the particualr pic. Anyone care to share it with me. Got a poster in mind that I want to make but need to see the pic first. thanks NT

First response:

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Why don't you google it?
Ask Ryan Leaf. He probably has it hanging on his wall, and prays in front of it every night, thanking God for Jamarcus Russell existing.
I did the NT search and Google. Anyone else got it.

That pic with the Coogi on is priceless. That is the ultimate "I dont give a damb" moment
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