Photo shop experts, come in please. Vol miseducation

Jan 30, 2009
Hey I was wondering if someone could photoshop lauryn hills face from the Miseducation album cover with dia de los muertos (day of the dead) art on her face. I know a lot of you are from Cali so I figured you'd know what I'm talking about.
Hey I was wondering if someone could photoshop lauryn hills face from the Miseducation album cover with dia de los muertos (day of the dead) art on her face. I know a lot of you are from Cali so I figured you'd know what I'm talking about.
You guys are so skilled and gifted, and original at that. Def should be up on kings of comedy
You guys are so skilled and gifted, and original at that. Def should be up on kings of comedy
 crank man I have no ps skills, yall get the gist of what I'm saying. I just posted that up so dudes would no what picture I'm talking about and not just ps some random pic of her. Just need a quick ps of her face only without the wood back ground 
, and the art on her face.
 crank man I have no ps skills, yall get the gist of what I'm saying. I just posted that up so dudes would no what picture I'm talking about and not just ps some random pic of her. Just need a quick ps of her face only without the wood back ground 
, and the art on her face.
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