Pic Request: Dude that wore Goodfella Mafia Dunk High SB's to prom

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

I'll admit it, he doesn't look too happy. But how old is this kid? 12? I'm sure if most of you guys were his age and your folks let you wear whatever you want to (I'm assuming) a formal event, you'd wanna wear something many older people would consider tacky. Being older, I now understand why my pops wouldn't let me wear my Diamond Turf's to church

You honestly think he's 12? You apprently have no age-recognition software installed. I kid, but you're a ****** if you think that guy is 12.
If he can afford the shoes I pretty sure of which arent his only pair im sure he can afford to rent or buy a tux.
maybe he's not sad. maybe the sun reflected on his dad's camera lens and caught him in an awkward looking face position with his eyebrows slanted downas if he about to shed some tears

lol jk that's one sad kid
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