Pictures from my trip to Hawai'i (Maui, Oahu)

Damn.... homie didn't even attempt to respond to my post.

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Damn.... homie didn't even attempt to respond to my post.

my bad, scanning the thread from my iphone till now...

i used a canon 5dmkiii for all these pics, fully edited on CS5 and yeah these are not SOOC type of pics bro...
cool pics

1. teach me how to make my pics look like that pls??

2. what lens?

3. what hair product?

plz respond 
Awesome pics, def looking to use a few for an iPhone background/lock screen >D .
Incredible pics man :smokin :smokin I need to go to Hawaii eventually it always looks beautiful and everyone I know who has been can't say enough about it
i have an L&L Hawaiian BBQ around my way. What should I try?

- Spam Musbi
- Portuguese Sausage and Rice
- BBQ Chicken
- Chicken Katsu

Really there's a lot to try and order. Give it a shot. Also for beverage, try Passion Orange, Pineapple Juice, and Lilikoi
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Just came back from here, I could have sworn you said Eggs n Things was great, it wad ehh. I've definitely had better
Looks like you had a great time!! I wanna go to Hawaii sometime in my lifetime....

How much did the trip cost if you dont mind me asking
Great pics. Great thread. I dream about going to Hawaii. :nthat:

The sad thing is I have saved more than enough money to go anytime I want right now, but I continue to want to work and save more money. I don't treat myself enough. I'm so paranoid about the economy and the job market I'm too afraid to spend 8k on a trip and potentially lose my job (which isn't even great).

I'm not living a balanced life right now, a lot of work (for not a lot of money), and not a lot of play. Life, I'm not doing it right bruhs. :smh: |I
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Just came back from Hawai'i and basically had the same vacation as you KSteezy. Missing it badly.....#DatDereIslandLife

Maui was definitely the highlight of the trip for me....
did yall go out at night and if you did where at?
the last few pics where you are having dinner on the beach where is that?

dope pics
That was in Maui, we tried to go out at night, but Maui is not the place to go to for nighlife, there really isn't any...
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