Planning to Buy a Car Next Year *Hopefully Late Spring/Summer/Fall* Need help making Gameplan.

im in the same position. im 20 yrs old in college.
im sitting on 12 Gs . i was thinking of leaving a decent amount as a down payment on a very nice car such as
audi a5
jag xf

but i cam to my senses and i am thinking of just going with a infiniti fx or g37 maybe 07

im thinking i will just leave a decent down payment and make regular payments and use some of the money to invest. instead of wasting it all at one time.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

yea--now that I am thinking about it.

do you really need a car?? Might just put it off till you graduate and land a good paying gig.
Yes because continuing to put maintenance on an older car is just as expensive, and I have to make money, Savannah doesnt have the same kind ofpublic transportation as Atlanta.
It's quite funny how others try and end an argument with the you're young and try to degrade another individual because of that on here.
getting tired of riding that horse all day? get dumb student loans out the #%@ and add in financial which i know you get since your poor and cash out a modestford mustang.
Originally Posted by aIrJoRdAn2345129

im in the same position. im 20 yrs old in college.
im sitting on 12 Gs . i was thinking of leaving a decent amount as a down payment on a very nice car such as
audi a5
jag xf

but i cam to my senses and i am thinking of just going with a infiniti fx or g37 maybe 07

im thinking i will just leave a decent down payment and make regular payments and use some of the money to invest. instead of wasting it all at one time.
You got 12k in the bank and you're about to commit to a $40-50k car? Even if you were going for pre-owned, that's still mid-20k. Yourmoney is your money but SMARTEN UP. That goes for anyone else in here thinking they're ready to drop money on a luxury vehicle.
Originally Posted by doosta45

You could get a decent car for $2000 to $5000, which still looks and drives great.
get a mid to late 90s civic/accord and be done.

Or even an Integra 1994 and up. You could buy one for 2000 and sell it 2 years from now for the same price.
Originally Posted by aIrJoRdAn2345129

im in the same position. im 20 yrs old in college.
im sitting on 12 Gs . i was thinking of leaving a decent amount as a down payment on a very nice car such as
audi a5
jag xf

but i cam to my senses and i am thinking of just going with a infiniti fx or g37 maybe 07

im thinking i will just leave a decent down payment and make regular payments and use some of the money to invest. instead of wasting it all at one time.

I don't know your financial situation, but this post was funny.
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by doosta45

You could get a decent car for $2000 to $5000, which still looks and drives great.
get a mid to late 90s civic/accord and be done.

Or even an Integra 1994 and up. You could buy one for 2000 and sell it 2 years from now for the same price.

I need Space though, I`m 6'3 230, I was looking at the earl 00s Monte Carlos or Impalas but everyone and their mama has one, even though thatshouldnt matter.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by doosta45

You could get a decent car for $2000 to $5000, which still looks and drives great.
get a mid to late 90s civic/accord and be done.

Or even an Integra 1994 and up. You could buy one for 2000 and sell it 2 years from now for the same price.
I need Space though, I`m 6'3 230, I was looking at the earl 00s Monte Carlos or Impalas but everyone and their mama has one, even though that shouldnt matter.

Oh yeah i forgot.

But if you feel you can afford the Charger with no problem, I would say go for it and be damn to what others say. If you have any other question ask away andI will try my best to answer it.

PS: Try to at least put $2000 to $3000 down though.
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by doosta45

You could get a decent car for $2000 to $5000, which still looks and drives great.
get a mid to late 90s civic/accord and be done.

Or even an Integra 1994 and up. You could buy one for 2000 and sell it 2 years from now for the same price.
I need Space though, I`m 6'3 230, I was looking at the earl 00s Monte Carlos or Impalas but everyone and their mama has one, even though that shouldnt matter.
Oh yeah i forgot.

But if you feel you can afford the Charger with no problem, I would say go for it and be damn to what others say. If you have any other question ask away and I will try my best to answer it.

I brought up Chargers because they are nice and have space, and they do not cost that much. I can't think of many other cars that I can ride in comfortablethat are affordable.
Originally Posted by aIrJoRdAn2345129

im in the same position. im 20 yrs old in college.
im sitting on 12 Gs . i was thinking of leaving a decent amount as a down payment on a very nice car such as
audi a5

jag xf

but i cam to my senses and i am thinking of just going with a infiniti fx or g37 maybe 07

im thinking i will just leave a decent down payment and make regular payments and use some of the money to invest. instead of wasting it all at one time.

you was thinkin right the first time
Dude. Forget the Integras, and Camrys and Accords. Just listen to my logic. If you buy those cars used, you will be paying a premium because they don'tdepreciate as fast initially. Get the Charger or even a Hyundai Sonata. An 06 Sonata will probably set you back like 8k - 10k. Where as you would pay like 4kmore for a Camry. An 06 Sonata will run about the same price as an 03 Camry or Accord.
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