Plantar Fasciitis pain

Is there any particular one that made a difference for you?

I've got the Dr. Scholls heel/PF pain pair in today on some Foamposites and I'm not miserable. Some discomfort in the balls of both feet.
i went to a specialist but mine look no different than the dr scholls really . My knees dont hurt either when i run anymore. 
I had PF once. My podiatrist made me some orthotics and the PF never came back. Now I use over the counter running insoles such as Powersteps and Road Runner Sports branded insoles (cheaper than the ones from the podiatrist). Everything is good now.. except for the fact that I can't use certain shoes without a removable insole such as Lebron XIs and Kobes.
Will check into those. Do they fit comfortably in most shoes?

I've been taking Aleve. Unable to take Tylenol due to sensitive liver. Have been advised to avoid aspirin as well.
I really need to lose the weight I've gained. With achy knees and two back surgeries and now the feet as well my athletic ability is comprised.

I've been wearing Crocs while at home (they are hideous but my feet don't hurt while wearing them).

I've considered the possibility of a spur. My wife knows someone who had one and got it removed. It came back with a vengeance later.

Appreciate both responses!
You should avoid taking any pain killers if possible! What my doctor explained to me when I was dealing with my Plantar Fasciitis is that the danger with painkillers is not knowing when you're harming yourself. Dulling the pain feels better but it doesn't heal your injury, so when you keep walking on it thinking that it's healed up you actually making things much worse. For me personally getting better was a mix of rest, inserts and the BFST treatment I mentioned. I used the regular Dr Scholls inserts and I found that really helped. But after reading a lot about plantar and talking with my physician it became clear that it's a hard injury for it to just heal yourself with. If anybody is suffering from plantar I HIGHLY recommend looking into the BFST wrap, it seriously helped me out so much. Now that I'm all healed up I just focus on preventing getting plantar again with using the inserts.
Seriously. If I could go back and slap the needle out of the Doctors hand I would. Cortisone shots are the worst.

The pain came back with a vengeance like Jason and Micheal Myers. Honestly the only medicine that I've found to work for me is good ole Sour Diesel.

Due to me being a commercial driver I can't really dabble in such wonderful medication so I've had to try alternative measures. Second best I could find is stretching. Before bed usually works best for me not to have pain in the A.M
Seriously. If I could go back and slap the needle out of the Doctors hand I would. Cortisone shots are the worst.

The pain came back with a vengeance like Jason and Micheal Myers. Honestly the only medicine that I've found to work for me is good ole Sour Diesel.
Definitely this! Cortisone shots are brutally misleading. I wish I'd never taken them either.
Worst pain ever... It never hurt when I was Reffing but that drive home.... F M L
had this real heavy when I was a kid

didn't know what it was til bout a couple years ago due to one of these threads

always felt like a bone was gonna pierce thru the bottom of my foot

get it every now and then now but nothing like when I was younger but I haven't done anything to help it
I've been using a Dr. Scholls insert that says for Arch Pain but it has helped me more than the Dr. Scholls insert for Heel Pain.
Going in for this in a few weeks. The pain has moved from my foot to my Achilles.

Update us on how it goes.... I've talked to podiatrists who say it won't work

I'll just add one thing, i haven't been able to fully beat my PF for almost a year but only recently have I given up wearing orthotics and also going barefoot again at home. I think I'm on the right path now and all the arch support prevented my foot from getting the strength it needs to heal
Yea, I got a bone spur in my right foot. Went in for an appointment today. They taped my feet and placed a cushion on my arches. So I am walking around like a penguin until TUES
Fam you gotta make sure you stretch regularly. I got the shot and was moving like a gazelle. But I didn't take care of myself and I lost the diddy bop for months
My foot has been KILLING me lately man. I haven't been to PT since March and I haven't been staying on top of my routines. Gotta get back.
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