Play fighting vol. what does it lead to...for you?

Nov 8, 2008
When you play fight with your significant other(s) how fardo you take it (when is it ENOUGH)…does it lead to a knock in the head, other forms of pleasure, or simply back to watching your favorite show…?

How do you fight?! (Feel free toshort-story-tell)

Also bonus question…I probably have play fought/fight oncewith a girl, and that was years ago, I don't really like to because I'm afraid it will get serious, and I don't want to lose a girl friend over a"pillow", but do you think its cool to play fight with a friend of the opposite sex (and keep it clean..)?
i play fight with my girl, I put her in the sharpshooter last time because she really tried to body me.
not happening. but most of the time it leads to mehavin her in another awkward position if u feel me
Play fighting is the best part. Last week we broke out my nephews plastic light sabers and went to work. Most of the time it leads to sex but not always.
i dont really like playfightin especially w/my last ex. for one i dont have time for all that playin aroun and shh, i feel like im too old for that. 2. aftershe would get her lil hits or pushes or w/e in i would get a lil aggressive jus on some i dont feel like doin this so ima throw you aroun a lil. then she wouldsay i wanna stop now, im coo. ill let her up and go back to doin w/e 2 sec later shes back at it again
. this would happen on and off for like an hr. 9x out 10 it led to
but thats not the point
And play fighting w/ heavy handed girls is FTL.

Cause you gotta play like that %!@% doesn't hurt. But they have some power behind that %!@%. Stinging like hell.

I used to have to calm myself down, cause I'd be ready to really punch her in the uterus.

Have to exercise the utmost restraint.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Leads to:

(.)(.) grabbing.

( Y ) grabbing

({}) rubbing/grazing
at the visuals.

I can't "play fight" I hit too hard and I always have to have the last hit. Next thing you know a pillow fight might turn into an all out brawlcomplete with baseball bats and cops.
Mine usually leads to pulling off various clothes and tickling. I don't hit or anything like that... I just poke her sides or neck or underarms while shetrys to grab my hands from doing so
I don't even like fighting, so play fighting is a no no.
The hell I look like bein in handcuffs over a play fight that got outta hand.

No thanks
my girl use to always hit me n try to wrestle with me while i was sleepin, then one day i hit her with the

on accident because she scared the crap outta me lol, dont jump on me while im sleepin!

but sometimes i pick her up n throw her on the bed, n she tries to kick me n stuff when i charge her, she hits me in the face a few times
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

paging Primavera Vills*


Originally Posted by dreClark

Leads to:

(.)(.) grabbing.

( Y ) grabbing

({}) rubbing/grazing


[elz] you already know [/elz]


make sure aint no walls around n wear a helmet.
One time I powerbombed my cousin on her bed but this was a couple years back

idk if it counts as my sig-other but I kinda got a crush on her
I helped my girl babysit last night and we played tag with the little dude, and one time she tagged me and slapped me pretty friggin' hard doing it.
It lead to a nice apology though.
Originally Posted by One Love

One time I powerbombed my cousin on her bed but this was a couple years back

idk if it counts as my sig-other but I kinda got a crush on her

"plus they kissin' cousins/toya's kissin muffin/after that they go home and kiss they husbands/this shhhh's disgustin"
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