Please Don't Call Me African-American....Im BLACK

The first time I heard this argument was from a black Canadian. He had a point, he isn't American so it wasn't proper to call him African-American. When necessary I put black too.
The first time I heard this argument was from a black Canadian. He had a point, he isn't American so it wasn't proper to call him African-American. When necessary I put black too.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why does the African label make you so mad?

im not mad at all...just definitely not African, if im "african-american" so is every American citizen in America since its a scientific fact that Human life started in Africa.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Why does the African label make you so mad?

im not mad at all...just definitely not African, if im "african-american" so is every American citizen in America since its a scientific fact that Human life started in Africa.
Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

You are indigenous, aboriginal, and pre-adomite. Black is a status code, not your identity to be presentable amongst the world family. Black = Dead
Find something better to represent yourself. Know thy self


Im BLACK and im proud..... who the hell are you to tell me to find something to better ID myself?! lmao *#%@
the "World family"? lmao
Originally Posted by lemurkicks23

You are indigenous, aboriginal, and pre-adomite. Black is a status code, not your identity to be presentable amongst the world family. Black = Dead
Find something better to represent yourself. Know thy self


Im BLACK and im proud..... who the hell are you to tell me to find something to better ID myself?! lmao *#%@
the "World family"? lmao
Originally Posted by NinerFaithful

What about an asian american with the same situation who's had multiple generations already born in america?

I guess you would be called Yellow, but most Asian Americans know better so I don't see that happening.
Originally Posted by NinerFaithful

What about an asian american with the same situation who's had multiple generations already born in america?

I guess you would be called Yellow, but most Asian Americans know better so I don't see that happening.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Actually you are Brown. I am yet to see someone who is Black.

illionaire ?

but I agree with OP....dont call me African American .....I didn't come from Africa and become a US parents are not African so how would I be an African American
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Actually you are Brown. I am yet to see someone who is Black.

illionaire ?

but I agree with OP....dont call me African American .....I didn't come from Africa and become a US parents are not African so how would I be an African American
"African" is your descent and "American" is your nationality.
Not that hard fam.

But if your rather be called "BLACK" then so be it.
"Darkey" wouldn't be so bad either under that qualification.
"African" is your descent and "American" is your nationality.
Not that hard fam.

But if your rather be called "BLACK" then so be it.
"Darkey" wouldn't be so bad either under that qualification.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

"African" is your descent and "American" is your nationality.
Not that hard fam.

But if your rather be called "BLACK" then so be it.
"Darkey" wouldn't be so bad either under that qualification.
yah so be it BLACK....
but no, James Brown never made a song called "Say It Loud, im Darkey and Im PROUD" c'mon son....earn a brain.

Negro=Spanish for black, and they didnt mean any racial connotation by saying "negro".... 

I prefer black cause thats what I Identify with, not "n-word" or anything else...I call every race a "n-word"  I consider myself Black, if you don't, more power to you...
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