Please pray for my cousin- UPDATE

Sep 1, 2007
My 35 yo pregnant cousin possibly had a seizure and fell and hit her head yesterday.She has already lost what would have been her first child.We just don'twant to lose her now. To all my NT fam with faith, please send up a prayer for Toni. And also pray for strength for her mom. She is one of my favorite auntiesand its miserable seeing her go through this. We lost my 36 yo cousin "Peanut" 2 years ago. So this is very tough to deal with if you can imagine.

My cousin Toni and her daughter Madison passed away yesterday, March 17th. Unfortunately, they kept losing her pulse and the doctors said they did all theycould do but the machines were doing all of the breathing. They told us her heart wasn't srong from the beginning.The only joy I have is that Toni isholding Madison in Heaven with Peanut, his dad and our grandfather.The baby was beautiful as I knew she would be. I want to thank you all for your thoughts andprayers. This is pretty damn tough, especially seeing my aunt lose her only daughter and grandchild.
She's my prayers.

I have a thing for prego women btw.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

She's in my prayers man.

This tragic event should never happen to good people.
it always happens to the best of ppl, i hope she pulls thru and wish strength to her mom
She will be going to surgery to remove the fetus. We have just been told that her heart is weaker, probably due to the pregnancy. The doctors sound optimisticand we are all standing on faith. Thank you all for your continued prayers!
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