pointless questions females ask...

the most annoying is when girls call you the next morning saying
"did i leave my clothes in your room?"
im like i dont even care. howd you get my number anyways.
Originally Posted by stepinitup

I can add a ton more

yeah I hate the "what ifs"

and the when was the last time u kissed another girl?
last time u had sex with another girl?

How do you know her?

i might come back and add some later
hate that question
Not a question, but also "Dont compare me to your ex's , I'm nothing like them" . or " You always act like you don't care."
1) How come we dont go out anymore? B for the past 2 months we been to errry Gud damn place in town where you want me to take you now? Out of town on a 2 monthpre-honeymoon trial in Cancun? The drawers i got so chill with all that mess and im broke too

2) How come we dont talk like we used to? I see you 4 hours out of the 2 hours that i got some free time for, and thats about 1/8 of the hours you require tosee me in a day (Yea for female a day got 32 hours
) so exactly what doyou want to talk about? Sign up for a NT account and read my damn posts!

3) What do you want to name our kids? uh....i only been seeing you for a month?

4) Is that all you care about, sex? I mean lets be real here without sex i wouldn't last that long with you in the first place. To females its a byproduct, to us men its a by all means product. But that doesnt mean we dont care about you. We do...but we'll stop caring when you stopsharing...THE GOODS!

5) Why do you look at porn when you have me? I would NOT look at it EVER if you are down with some of the nastiest dirtiest tricks i got from the videos!!! Solet my imagination please me....and when i find my hand completely redundant i will pay you some visit.... oh and white girls FTW! Asian girls please takenotes!
Well done, xD...you win so far. I especially felt #2...I told my girl to read my blog for the exact same reason.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by potus2028

8 ) 'Is she prettier than me?': The thing is, females never ask this question when its actually a contest...they'll ask when !!@@!* Amerie or somebody walks by. You asked because the answer is 'yes' and you wanna hear a 'no'. What kind of bass ackwards reverse psychology bullhonkery is that!? That's why whenever I get asked, the answer is yes. You could have her by 4 points and I'll still tell you yes. (Course, the answer COULD actually be yes, but you'll never know the difference...bwahaha!)
that's what i would do

Any chick with some level of intelligence should already know the answer to this question before she asks it. Certain types of broads ask it just to get you tolie to her and say "no". Females try to play these sorts of power plays all the time. You just have to notice them and act accordingly.
Lmao at this thread. I hate wen u first start talkin to a girl and she asks " R u romantic ?" and then she proceeds to ask "so wat do u do to bromantic ?" I'm like yo, i don't even see u like that yet.
The ones I hate the most...





*@%!% this ain't no game show.
"why you so quiet?!"

#$%^ im watching the %^*% game !!!


"babe ill call you back.."

her: "why?"
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by potus2028

8 ) 'Is she prettier than me?': The thing is, females never ask this question when its actually a contest...they'll ask when !!@@!* Amerie or somebody walks by. You asked because the answer is 'yes' and you wanna hear a 'no'. What kind of bass ackwards reverse psychology bullhonkery is that!? That's why whenever I get asked, the answer is yes. You could have her by 4 points and I'll still tell you yes. (Course, the answer COULD actually be yes, but you'll never know the difference...bwahaha!)
that's what i would do

Any chick with some level of intelligence should already know the answer to this question before she asks it. Certain types of broads ask it just to get you to lie to her and say "no". Females try to play these sorts of power plays all the time. You just have to notice them and act accordingly.
The correct answer to this is...

"why does it matter?"

Answer goes 1 of 2 ways.

1. "It doesn't matter"- well then let's drop it
2. "insert some reason why it matters"- then she's insecure.

She'll usually never do option 2.
Do you want to _____ (insert favor that you KNOW I don't WANT to do it but don't MIND since you are my woman)
BUt honestly, I don't even answer those baitful questions. I tell them that I won't participate. I will make them realize that they are asking stupidquestions.

"Why are you asking me that"
"What answer do you want to hear"
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by potus2028

8 ) 'Is she prettier than me?': The thing is, females never ask this question when its actually a contest...they'll ask when !!@@!* Amerie or somebody walks by. You asked because the answer is 'yes' and you wanna hear a 'no'. What kind of bass ackwards reverse psychology bullhonkery is that!? That's why whenever I get asked, the answer is yes. You could have her by 4 points and I'll still tell you yes. (Course, the answer COULD actually be yes, but you'll never know the difference...bwahaha!)
that's what i would do

Any chick with some level of intelligence should already know the answer to this question before she asks it. Certain types of broads ask it just to get you to lie to her and say "no". Females try to play these sorts of power plays all the time. You just have to notice them and act accordingly.
The correct answer to this is...

"why does it matter?"

Answer goes 1 of 2 ways.

1. "It doesn't matter"- well then let's drop it
2. "insert some reason why it matters"- then she's insecure.

She'll usually never do option 2.

That, my friend...is some genius insight. I appreciate your contribution, and will apply it to my offline life...thxmuch...
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