Police Brutality Discussion & Solutions...

When uniformed police showed up, the system immediately went into action to protect the officers with no concern for my rights. One police officer forced people to delete their videos of the incident. Others took me to the hospital, where I was handcuffed to my bed and my notes of what had happened were confiscated. Police and prosecutors charged me with felonies, put me in jail, then put me on trial all with the hope that I would settle and therefore not have the credibility to hold these officers individually accountable for their actions. A plea deal was offered on the first morning of trial, but I had done nothing wrong, so I didn’t accept it. A jury acquitted me on all charges.

This time government lawyers argued even if the officers violated my rights, they were entitled to something called “qualified immunity.” Qualified immunity is a non-constitutional rule the Supreme Court created in 1982 that says you can’t sue an officer who violates your rights unless an earlier court ruling found that the very same action by officers was unconstitutional. How on-point does the violation need to be? In one recent case, officers were granted qualified immunity when they let their police dog attack a man who surrendered by sitting with his hands up even though an earlier case found it was unconstitutional for officers to let their dog bite a man who surrendered by lying down. The fact that the suspect was sitting was enough of a difference from the court’s perspective to grant the officers qualified immunity.

I know it’s not the responsibility of celebs to handle this, but I think we saw the power of social media outrage with Ahmaud Arbery’s death. I think it’s going to be up to folks with money and a voice to pool together on raising money for legal fees via a go fund me type thing in addition to their own contributions, and getting the public outraged about the things like what just happened in Minneapolis. Like how much longer can these murderers get away with it for?

Just spitballing but I think they should also try starting an initiative that gets police officers who are verified or whatever to anonymously be able to vocalize when they think an officer very clearly crossed the line. And have that agency be able to submit the petition or whatever to the powers at be that decides the outcome of the individual cases. Right now part of the problem with the blue line is that officers are afraid of retaliation, and feel like their individual voice is too ineffective to be worth the retaliation.
Damn. Not even sure what to say at this point. **** is wild disheartening, sad and infuriating.

I hope both of those pigs get what’s coming to them.
surprised here?
What did the KKK tell us after segregation ended?
They will never go away and they will only infiltrate the ranks of the legal system.
They kept their word on that....
Yet yall still naive and shocked this is happening in 2020....NO MORE TALKING BLACK MAN!
Yet yall still naive and shocked this is happening in 2020....

The only people that are shocked about this are:
- the people that are #bluelivesmatter and team “not all cops are bad cops”

- people that want to focus on what the deceased did to initiate police interaction

-and people that “don’t see race”.

I don’t think anybody else is surprised.
surprised here?
What did the KKK tell us after segregation ended?
They will never go away and they will only infiltrate the ranks of the legal system.
They kept their word on that....
Yet yall still naive and shocked this is happening in 2020....NO MORE TALKING BLACK MAN!

I don’t think anyone here is surprised or naive to stuff like this.
Videos like that are going tp keep happening until cops suffer in MAJOR ways. Slaps on the wrist doesn't deter kids, let alone grown folks w/ a badge. Start charging them with murder, or assault if the victim didn't die but excessive force was used.

The reason we're so far away from that being a reasonable possibility is because 'excessive force' has to be determined by a jury, and there are too many people who back the blue, especially when the person assaulted by the cop is black.

I'm not surprised by these videos, but they are never not heartbreaking and enraging. Whole system needs to be tore down and rebuilt.
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