Police find seven dead babies in Utah woman’s former home


Absolutely sickening. Are you kidding me?! :smh:

US needs to incorporate the guillotine.
Pro-choice vs pro-life arguments in 3... 2... 1... 
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The story seems really sketch to me,the husband can't have been that clueless to not know what was going on with his own seeds :smh:. How did she keep all those bodies in there for so long without anyone ever noticing or even smelling them? One of the rare times that I don't mind the death penalty.
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Husband was in prison for 9 years. She had to have gotten knocked up by some other dude.
I probably just misread your post but what the **** ?? if not. There's zero reason or justification for doing something like this,religious or otherwise.

The story seems really sketch to me,the Husband can't have been that clueless to not know what was going on with his own seeds
. How did she keep all those bodies in there for so long without anyone ever noticing or even smelling them? One of the rare times that I don't mind the death penalty.
I mean if this is their beliefs... then hey... I mean I personally believe this is tragic and foolish no matter how the story outcome is. I mean hell you got ppl who strap bombs to babies in the name of a higher being. So  justifiable or not it doesn't change what they may BELIEVE. My thing is why is everyone putting all/most of the blame on the husband. She decided and made the choices in pretty much every scenario you can play this out. You cant even use the copout rape, the he kidnapped me, forced me to have babies etc...

If this was a single isolated incident then sure possibly. But this has premeditated/planned all over it. This is like that crazy broad from fLa. all over again times 7. Im not saying the husband isn't in the know or hell for that matter friends, family, neighbors etc... But She should although nothing will really come of this, in terms of justifiable punishment in most ppl eyes ( seeing there is only about 50 women EVER in our current us history to get life/death penalty) at best she would get a lengthy sentence...maybe 10 yrs then after everything blows over and the next "eye catching" headline comes up ppl will forget this and things will be back status qou.
They should let a Boa Constrictor devour this chick.

Nah, stick her in a box too small to lay down in with the dead babies a knife too dull to cut anything and a match book. Throw dirt on lop, the rest writes itself.
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I mean if this is their beliefs... then hey... I mean I personally believe this is tragic and foolish no matter how the story outcome is. I mean hell you got ppl who strap bombs to babies in the name of a higher being. So  justifiable or not it doesn't change what they may BELIEVE. My thing is why is everyone putting all/most of the blame on the husband. She decided and made the choices in pretty much every scenario you can play this out. You cant even use the copout rape, the he kidnapped me, forced me to have babies etc...

If this was a single isolated incident then sure possibly. But this has premeditated/planned all over it. This is like that crazy broad from fLa. all over again times 7. Im not saying the husband isn't in the know or hell for that matter friends, family, neighbors etc... But She should although nothing will really come of this, in terms of justifiable punishment in most ppl eyes ( seeing there is only about 50 women EVER in our current us history to get life/death penalty) at best she would get a lengthy sentence...maybe 10 yrs then after everything blows over and the next "eye catching" headline comes up ppl will forget this and things will be back status qou.

Whatever people believe in shouldn't get in the way from their deserved punishment for breaking the law and committing heinous acts. Agreed that the husband seems less likely to have been implicated since apparently he was in jail for most of that time but the wife deserves at least life. Probably won't get it but man does she need to stay locked up for a while,no telling how unstable she still is :smh:
Whatever people believe in shouldn't get in the way from their deserved punishment for breaking the law and committing heinous acts. Agreed that the husband seems less likely to have been implicated since apparently he was in jail for most of that time but the wife deserves at least life. Probably won't get it but man does she need to stay locked up for a while,no telling how unstable she still is
this also makes me lol at women who say they are treated unjust etc...in our society.. Outside of pay which sometimes is justifiable and how they can be objected... When it comes to justice and accountability our law/judicial system holds little to NO accountability for women.

Grown woman sleeps with/rape boys... its oh well they are boys and they was just trying to become men... Man sleeps with little girls...they throwing them under the jail... or even worse. Woman damn near attacks a man beating him inches from his life or attempts to attack him with weapon he goes to jail seen as a villain.. Switch the scenario and its called a heat of the moment passion crime. Even the most simple of things such as running red lights, driving drunk etc.... the accountability/punishment in comparison to men isn't even close to being comparable.

I wish in times like this we did live in a truly equal gender society. Where women/men/race/creed/religious beliefs/sexual orientation was actually viewed even steven across the board.

I have no doubt the stigma surrounding this and the punishment to become of it will be a small fraction of what it would be if a male was involved.
this also makes me lol at women who say they are treated unjust etc...in our society.. Outside of pay which sometimes is justifiable and how they can be objected... When it comes to justice and accountability our law/judicial system holds little to NO accountability for women.

Grown woman sleeps with/rape boys... its oh well they are boys and they was just trying to become men... Man sleeps with little girls...they throwing them under the jail... or even worse. Woman damn near attacks a man beating him inches from his life or attempts to attack him with weapon he goes to jail seen as a villain.. Switch the scenario and its called a heat of the moment passion crime. Even the most simple of things such as running red lights, driving drunk etc.... the accountability/punishment in comparison to men isn't even close to being comparable.

I wish in times like this we did live in a truly equal gender society. Where women/men/race/creed/religious beliefs/sexual orientation was actually viewed even steven across the board.

I have no doubt the stigma surrounding this and the punishment to become of it will be a small fraction of what it would be if a male was involved.

I disagree that unequal wages can be sometimes justified but you made some great points aside from that. It's just another one of life's double standards,albeit one of the more unjust ones :smh:. Casey Anthony would most definitely be in jail if she was a man. It doesn't seem like much to ask for that the punishment needs to fit the crime regardless of gender/racial differences but it seems to be no more than a pipe dream in real life unfortunately :\.
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I disagree that unequal wages can be sometimes justified but you made some great points aside from that. It's just another one of life's double standards,albeit one of the more unjust ones
. Casey Anthony would most definitely be in jail if she was a man. It doesn't seem like much to ask for that the punishment needs to fit the crime regardless of gender/racial differences but it seems to be no more than a pipe dream in real life unfortunately
why not I think we have well beyond proven in terms of jobs that are more "physically" demanding mean are more incline to perform and outdo their women counterparts... Why should two ppl one being a man, other being a women who both work at a factory to which the man is moving 100, 150lbs packages an hr down a conveyor belt be paid the same as a women moving 75, 20lbs packages an hr down a conveyor belt? Despite doing a fith of the work they should be paid equally just because of having a vagina?

But back to whats at hand the scale of justice and rights in comparison men/women etc...is so unbalanced it doesn't even make sense... from punishment of crimes, to jail time, to treatment, to even civil rights and liberties... it just isn't fair... I mean I aint saying we should be like many other countries and treat women like second class citizens... But no way should a guy who accidently shoots someone... or robs a bank, sell drugs, or any other less significant crimes as this do 2/3 times the crime or have 2/3 times the punishment then a women in this case killing 7 babies... or being a mass murderer or a psychopathic killer etc...

I mean no one ever talks about it but I cant see how ppl feel a man moves a kilo deserves twice the time of a women who goes out and kills a person. A 23 old man should get twice as much time for sleeping with a 17 y/o girl then a woman setting a fire and killing an entire family...
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