Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri


This is some ish

if dude walks
Grand juries usually wait for the word from the district attorney to file a lawsuit against the suspect. Bob McCulloch has not given the green light for it, nor will he ever. He knows that, Ferguson PD knows that. What they are basically doing is turning this into a cold case at worst and an acquittal of sorts at best.
Still going strong today. I'm very proud of the community not giving up.

I'm also very skeptical that the police are just waiting for the winter to come.

It gets COLD and hella snow in Stl. Cats gonna need heaters.
Hope that there comes something that can empower them down the stretch of this, would hurt if all of this was for nothing, but all we can do is hope for the latter

right now they might want to start thinking more radically, they got a timetable, the agenda should be to apply so much pressure that it doesn't get to that, with the world watching them I'm sure their probably hesitant to look unruly and uncivilized but they need to be disruptive. With this knowledge,  I wonder if they are getting organized or making an effort to be tactical about this 
so far i have been right in regards to 3 high profile murder cases that was posted here

this case.. Dude will Not be charged. They prolonging the case and grand jury in order to prepare and organize incase citizen's stand up

no charges are coming
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every time i come in this thread... i'm hoping to find some good news...

sadly... it's always some more blatantly ****** up stuff.

:smh: :smh:
I saw someone post that they burned the memorial on FB and I had to come here and see if this was being talked about as true....


Why America???
RT @ShaunKing: So Angry. Somebody set the Mike Brown memorial on fire in the middle of the night.

It's apparent more and more that Mike Brown will never get no justice, yet they felt the need to do this too?

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.-----John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address
Has it been proven it was someone? Im not ruling out that someone could of done it, but there were a bunch of candles in the memorial
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