Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

So apparently the scumbag is resigning from the police dept.
FERGUSON, Mo.—The white police officer who shot to death a black teen last summer and avoided criminal prosecution this week has resigned from the police force, his lawyer said Saturday evening.

The resignation comes after almost four months of largely peaceful protests interrupted at times by violent clashes with police, widespread looting and destructive arson in this St. Louis suburb.

Officer Darren Wilson wrote in his resignation letter  that he was “told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow.”

Mr. Wilson, 28 years old, said “for obvious reasons,” he wished to wait until a local countygrand jury reached its decision not to indict him  on Monday before leaving the police department. His actions on Aug. 9 sparked impassioned nationwide debates over whether Mr. Wilson had acted too aggressively in gunning down teenager Michael Brown he had detained during a routine stop that turned violent. Mr. Wilson argued in grand jury testimony he acted to protect himself while other witnesses said Mr. Brown had his arms raised before he was shot fatally.

“It was my hope to continue in police work, but the safety of other police officers and the community is of paramount importance to me,” Mr. Wilson wrote. “It is my hope that my resignation will allow the community to heal. I would like to thank all of my supporters and fellow officers throughout this process.”

There is still a civil rights probe by the Justice Department into Mr. Brown’s death and into whether the city’s police department may have unfairly targeted African-Americans. In a television interview this week, Mr. Wilson maintained his innocence, saying he knows he did his job correctly.

City officials had no immediate comment on the resignation following Mr. Wilson’s administrative leave since the Aug. 9 shooting. “No one in the city of Ferguson has a resignation letter in hand,” Mayor James Knowles said Saturday evening.

Fury over a lack of an indictment against Mr. Wilson boiled over Monday night, as protesters set police cruisers on fire, smashed windows and looted stores, while police responded by firing nonlethal munitions and tear gas at the crowds. By morning, more than 20 businesses were burned and more than 60 people were arrested.

Many of the buildings now sit as charred shells along one of Ferguson’s main commercial strips still closed to traffic at night due to security concerns.

The death of the 18-year-old Mr. Brown in August became a national flash point on race, justice and policing and the region faced weeks of protests that turned violent at times this summer. It was unclear whether Mr. Wilson’s resignation would help subside protests that have closed some local roads and shopping centers during one of the busiest holiday weekends.

—Ben Kesling contributed to this article.

Write to Matthew Dolan at [email protected]

Where's the outrage over this story? Black cop kills unarmed white 18 year old.
1. Has mobile had a history of black cops oppressing white kids?

2. Has america had a history of black people oppressing white people?

3. How many articles can I pull up of white cops shooting unarmed black people in the last two years (since that article happened)

Not saying one is right and one is wrong...

But comparing one incident to systemic inconsistencies is like trying to find a man would prefer small teddies over big teddies...

I mean... They are OUT there... And if you look good enough... You can find them...

But its less of a norm and more of an outlier.

Notice how you had to go back 2 years... When I can go back 2 weeks and find a wrongful shooting.
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Where's the outrage over this story? Black cop kills unarmed white 18 year old.

Anything to 'mirror' the reverse to justify DW killing MB. 

1. It happened 2 years...why didnt you make a thread 2 years ago?

2. The white man was UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS...(MB had weed in system...doesn't mean he was smoking weed that morning.)

Furthermore, they dont provide what sort of drugs the white dude was on...GUARANTEE YOU IT WASN'T WEED.

3. Stay out this thread and be racist outside, in the real world.

Anything to 'mirror' the reverse to justify DW killing MB. 

1. It happened 2 years...why didnt you make a thread 2 years ago?

2. The white man was UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS...(MB had weed in system...doesn't mean he was smoking weed that morning.)

Furthermore, they dont provide what sort of drugs the white dude was on...GUARANTEE YOU IT WASN'T WEED.

3. Stay out this thread and be racist outside, in the real world.

Plus, it came from the conservative report or whatever that website is called...

Here's some other accoyts


A university police officer (his or her name has not been made public), at 1:23 in the morning of Saturday, October 6, 2012, heard someone banging loudly on one of the campus police station's windows. Upon investigation of this noise, the officer encountered Gilbert Collar, nude and crouched into a fighting stance. The muscular young man, who challenged the officer to a fight, obviously appeared to be out of his mind. When Collar made an aggressive move toward the officer, he drew his weapon, backed-off, and warned the threatening 18-year-old to settle down. Collar rushed toward the campus cop several times, and each time the retreating officer ordered the man to stop and desist. Collar took a knee, rose, and charged the officer again. This time, the campus officer shot Collar once in the chest. The attacking freshman stumbled, regained his footing, rushed toward the officer again, then collapsed and died.

He had also been running naked and assaulting others.

A nude University of South Alabama freshman had taken LSD and assaulted others before he chased the campus police officer who fatally shot him, authorities said Tuesday, though the student wasn't armed and didn't touch the officer.

And he was on LSD... Which was confirmed by the coroner.

Again... I'm not saying he was right or wrong... But he gave him warned him several times PLUS there was video PLUS he was on LSD PLUS he had been running around assaulting others...

Only similarities is that someone died.
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1. Has mobile had a history of black cops oppressing white kids?

2. Has america had a history of black people oppressing white people?

3. How many articles can I pull up of white cops shooting unarmed black people in the last two years (since that article happened)

Not saying one is right and one is wrong...

But comparing one incident to systemic inconsistencies is like trying to find a man would prefer small teddies over big teddies...

I mean... They are OUT there... And if you look good enough... You can find them...

But its less of a norm and more of an outlier.

Notice how you had to go back 2 years... When I can go back 2 weeks and find a wrongful shooting.

Here's another one.

 Officer Bron Cruz, who was described as non-white, shot Taylor once in the chest and once in the stomach after he refused to obey police.
so is this about police brutality or black cops shooting white cops?

idk if this was posted , but he destroys the prosecutor and wilson

all these changing stories to fit the narrative 
 its messed up man ,

They showed the grand jury an UNCONSTITUTIONAL law that wasnt even law! so messed up this **** was rigged 
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blco02 blco02

Why didn't you make a thread 2 years ago about that case? :nerd:

Because the media didn't report it two years ago. Unlike the Michael Brown case which they have hyped up from the beginning. It's just now becoming known because of social media.
Just a racist doing some more character assassinating of the dead guy. This was expected.
Its not character assassination, they are actually just disbursing facts about Michael, as would the parties for Michael's camp would disburse regarding the officer or police force in that area if they had any. Is it false to say he had a criminal background as a juvenile?

So what ?
-yeah he is a thief
-the store owner he assaulted and robbed is probably happy that he is dead, I would be happy too if that was me, death to my enemies

What the police did is wrong, it could have been Barrack Obama in the same spot and he would have been shot by Darren Wilson because he is a trigger happy racist.

In the end Karma will get you though. Mike Brown learned that the hard way.
So what ?
-yeah he is a thief
-the store owner he assaulted and robbed is probably happy that he is dead, I would be happy too if that was me, death to my enemies

What the police did is wrong, it could have been Barrack Obama in the same spot and he would have been shot by Darren Wilson because he is a trigger happy racist.

In the end Karma will get you though. Mike Brown learned that the hard way.

Trigger happy racist? That was the first time he had ever used his gun since joining the force.
Its not character assassination, they are actually just disbursing facts about Michael, as would the parties for Michael's camp would disburse regarding the officer or police force in that area if they had any. Is it false to say he had a criminal background as a juvenile?
 [h3]Darren Wilson Was Fired From ‘Corrupt’ Department, Disbanded For ‘Racial Discrimination’ and ‘Excessive Force’[/h3]


Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson won a commendation in a Town Council ceremony, only months before shooting and killing unarmed African American teenager Michael Brown.

According to officials interviewed by the Washington Post, Wilson became a cop in 2009, when he joined a nearly all-white, 45-member task force that patrolled Jennings, Missouri. The Washington Post summarized this department as “not an ideal place to learn how to police.”

This tiny, impoverished city of 14,000 was 89% African-American, with a disproportionate number of Caucasian officers like Wilson.

Perhaps most importantly, in terms of relevance to this case, the Police Department had been accused of using excessive force against residents in a disturbing number of incidents.

Rodney Epps, an African American city council member explained the situation, saying “you’re dealing with white cops, and they don’t know how to address black people.

“The straw that broke the camel’s back, an officer shot at a female. She was stopped for a traffic violation. She had a child in the back [of the] car and was probably worried about getting locked up. And this officer chased her down Highway 70, past city limits, and took a shot at her. Just ridiculous.”

All of these incidents of police brutality against the nearly-all African American residents led to lawsuit after lawsuit being filed against officers for using unnecessary force, Stichnote explained.

Cassandra Fuller sued the department after a Jennings police officer beat her back in June 2009. She was on her own porch at the time and had merely cracked a joke that the officer didn’t like.

What kind of joke? Was she making fun of the officer? Not that it would matter, but no, she was making a joke about her van.

The officer had responded to a hit and run. He asked her to move her van, but she replied: “It don’t run. You can take it home with you if you want.”

The cop threw her off the porch, knocked her down and kicked her in the stomach. This is where Officer Darren Wilson learned to be a cop.

Lt. Jeff Fuesting said: “There was a disconnect between the community and the police department. There were just too many instances of police tactics which put the credibility of the police department in jeopardy. Complaints against officers. There was a communication breakdown between the police and the community. There were allegations involving use of force that raised questions.”

By 2011, the city council voted 6-1 to fire all of the officers in the department and hire a completely new set of cops that they felt would not be brutal and discriminatory. One of those officers fired was Officer Darren Wilson.

Do you think that matters? We do. Help us spread the word!
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 I DO NOT hate blacks. I take that as an insult and there's no room for that kind of nonsense here. How dare you.

Me sharing my view point suddenly means I hate blacks?
Truth hurts?

Your whole time in this thread is one BIG STRUGGLE at attacking blacks, making it seem like DW was justified and that racism doesn't exist.

Cry me a river with your backtracking.

Why didn't you make a thread 2 years ago about that case?
Because the media didn't report it two years ago.  I didnt know about it two years ago. Unlike the Michael Brown case which they have hyped up from the beginning. I immediately jumped on the bandwagon. It's just now becoming known because of social media.  become  relevant to my agenda.
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