Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Not surprised, you keep abusing your power and disrespecting people eventually they'll fight back. It happens all over the world.

Not saying it's right, but i dont have an ounce of sympathy either.
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So far both a grand jury and the freaking DOJ have found no wrong doing by Darren Wilson. And you guys still can't admit you were wrong. I'm out.
they didn't find anything wrong in the eric garner case, the leader of the rodney king beating became a captain, oj got free, zimmerman has been arrested 6 times iirc SINCE getting off for trayvon, casey anthony was found not guilty! just a couple examples where a jury doesn't really nail it would you agree?

the problem with justice is, in the courtroom, its not about who's right or who's wrong. its about what you can prove. if i clearly committed a crime, and someone in the court messes up bad enough, mistrial is declared. i now walk for a crime everyone knows i committed, including the judge. the notion that because someone got off in court they really are innocent is a pill that even you should have trouble ... taking. *looks at meths ban rifle on the roof*

the ONLY people in the wrong here were wilson and mike brown. mike was wrong for running (and of course stealing but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happened) and wilson was wrong for the obvious. wilson spun a tale of david and goliath and it was accepted. his life-threatening injuries turned out to be little more than razor burn from his barbers clippers last week.

so the crushing blows from the boy who "looked like a demon" were nothing at all. we dismiss that and believe the rest of his tale? that he pulled over so close to some kids that one of them reached through a window, across his body, and they fought for his gun locked away in a holster pinned to an armrest? then the gun somehow got unlocked and drawn (i have a glock myself and pulling it out of the holster while in a car is a DIFFICULT task to do on purpose) then "goes off" and we believe that. body half a football field away and we believe deadly force was needed?

this weekend a cop took on 2 patrons on a beach here in florida. by himself. in the middle of a crowd using hand to hand and never throwing a punch. they asked on the news why he didnt reach for his gun or taser and he said he didnt even want people to think he was about to do something crazy like the other officers lately. you telling me cops training is good enough to take on 2 people hand to hand without struggle but this officer so scared that hes firing off rounds from half a football field away and WE'RE wrong cuz the court found him innocent? 

go away.
Seems like it was from a rifle with a scope possibly at 75-100 yards
i dunno  bout this. news reporting one was shot in the shoulder, other was shot in the face. both are non-lifethreatening injuries. a rifle aint firing nothing that can hit with accuracy from 75-100 yards that doesnt pack a punch when u get hit in the face. i mean theres a chance, but not a very good one. sounds more like some crappy throwaway 22 or something.
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man that gun shot is loud as hell...had to be a rifle...of course all this happens when a little justice is served..

heard they were confiscating phones for evidence as well...pretty sure they can just watch those videos on all the live streams people had up...
Maybe something is wrong with me but I love reading the comments on fox news Facebook page. The comments under the shooting post are just racist comedic gold. These are yall bosses,neighbors, acquaintances, and peers.

God I hate America sometimes. :smh: :lol:
Maybe something is wrong with me but I love reading the comments on fox news Facebook page. The comments under the shooting post are just racist comedic gold. These are yall bosses,neighbors, acquaintances, and peers.

God I hate America sometimes. :smh: :lol:

I'm the same way man. It's interesting to look at the mind and point of view of your enemy. Truly sad and sick people. So outrageous at times that it's comedy. I just go to yahoo instead. Can't give them views lol.

These are a lot of the people we interact with day in and day out. As Boosie once so eloquently put it... "they still racist, I can see it on them b's faces."
i dunno  bout this. news reporting one was shot in the shoulder, other was shot in the face. both are non-lifethreatening injuries. a rifle aint firing nothing that can hit with accuracy from 75-100 yards that doesnt pack a punch when u get hit in the face. i mean theres a chance, but not a very good one. sounds more like some crappy throwaway 22 or something.
Rifles come in .22 too bru. But I doubt it was a .22 by the sound. Also, rifle calibers are plenty and can shoot pistol rounds.
Either way, I doubt it was a handgun because of the distance and accuracy of the shots. Face and shoulder hit at night seems to point toward a scoped rifle
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So far both a grand jury and the freaking DOJ have found no wrong doing by Darren Wilson. And you guys still can't admit you were wrong. I'm out.
they didn't find anything wrong in the eric garner case, the leader of the rodney king beating became a captain, oj got free, zimmerman has been arrested 6 times iirc SINCE getting off for trayvon, casey anthony was found not guilty! just a couple examples where a jury doesn't really nail it would you agree?

the problem with justice is, in the courtroom, its not about who's right or who's wrong. its about what you can prove. if i clearly committed a crime, and someone in the court messes up bad enough, mistrial is declared. i now walk for a crime everyone knows i committed, including the judge. the notion that because someone got off in court they really are innocent is a pill that even you should have trouble ... taking. *looks at meths ban rifle on the roof*

the ONLY people in the wrong here were wilson and mike brown. mike was wrong for running (and of course stealing but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happened) and wilson was wrong for the obvious. wilson spun a tale of david and goliath and it was accepted. his life-threatening injuries turned out to be little more than razor burn from his barbers clippers last week.

so the crushing blows from the boy who "looked like a demon" were nothing at all. we dismiss that and believe the rest of his tale? that he pulled over so close to some kids that one of them reached through a window, across his body, and they fought for his gun locked away in a holster pinned to an armrest? then the gun somehow got unlocked and drawn (i have a glock myself and pulling it out of the holster while in a car is a DIFFICULT task to do on purpose) then "goes off" and we believe that. body half a football field away and we believe deadly force was needed?

this weekend a cop took on 2 patrons on a beach here in florida. by himself. in the middle of a crowd using hand to hand and never throwing a punch. they asked on the news why he didnt reach for his gun or taser and he said he didnt even want people to think he was about to do something crazy like the other officers lately. you telling me cops training is good enough to take on 2 people hand to hand without struggle but this officer so scared that hes firing off rounds from half a football field away and WE'RE wrong cuz the court found him innocent? 

go away.
This is the realest **** you ever wrote, and I hate you on NT.  

Rifles come in .22 too bru. But I doubt it was a .22 by the sound. Also, rifle calibers are plenty and can shoot pistol rounds.
Either way, I doubt it was a handgun because of the distance and accuracy of the shots. Face and shoulder hit at night seems to point toward a scoped rifle
this i know. but a rifle round to the face (assuming reports are correct) will lead to a life threatening injury 10 out of 10 times. unless theyre on that the bullet grazed his cheek so technically he got shot in the face type stuff. and this also assumes that the report of where the shot came from is accurate as well. im frankly surprised someone out there in Ferguson has a rifle with a scope and knows how to use it like that.
This is the realest **** you ever wrote, and I hate you on NT.  

shouldnt hate someone you dont know lol ill take the kudos tho. and ive written far realer. 
via antonio french...

View media item 1443246

Antonio French retweeted
Ryan Dean @RyanDeanKSDK · 2h 2 hours ago
Police surrounded a home in #Ferguson. Officers on roof. @stlcountypd confirms part of shooting investigation.
this i know. but a rifle round to the face (assuming reports are correct) will lead to a life threatening injury 10 out of 10 times. unless theyre on that the bullet grazed his cheek so technically he got shot in the face type stuff. and this also assumes that the report of where the shot came from is accurate as well. im frankly surprised someone out there in Ferguson has a rifle with a scope and knows how to use it like that.

shouldnt hate someone you dont know lol ill take the kudos tho. and ive written far realer. 
thats not how it works. Just because its a rifle doesnt mean its an instant kill.
The common round for rifles such as ar15 are 223, which is the same diameter as a 22. 9mm bullets are much larger than 223
And have more stopping power because they expand in the body. Rifle rounds depending on caliber will penetrate.

surprised someone in Furgeson has a scoped rifle?
Heres mine :wink:
View media item 1443255
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If anyone knows whats been happening with the ATF and M855, youll begin to connect the dots. Its all too coincidental
Lotta false info floaring around. Reports ive read say they belive it was a handgun fired from 100 plus yards.

To execute a shot like that youd have to have training... alot of it

Im fairly profecient with a sidearm and i couldnt gaurnteeee a headshot at half that range in a crowd at night
Lotta false info floaring around. Reports ive read say they belive it was a handgun fired from 100 plus yards.

To execute a shot like that youd have to have training... alot of it

Im fairly profecient with a sidearm and i couldnt gaurnteeee a headshot at half that range in a crowd at night
not everything has to be perfectly planned though, could have just been luck 
The ATF recently tried to ban a common ar15 round. The 556 M855 which has a steel core that can pierce light Armour. One of their reasoning was for police protection but the 2A guys werent having it and the measure lost momentum so they scrapped it. A few days later here we are with cops shot by a rifle. Now lets wait and see what type of ammo theyll say was used.
The revolt shall not be televised nor monopolized(no money being made),Casualties of war there will be,Mourner's mourn for their loss and there's no right or no wrong there just is.
The ATF recently tried to ban a common ar15 round. The 556 M855 which has a steel core that can pierce light Armour. One of their reasoning was for police protection but the 2A guys werent having it and the measure lost momentum so they scrapped it. A few days later here we are with cops shot by a rifle. Now lets wait and see what type of ammo theyll say was used.
Oh I see
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