Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Yea who'd have thought a police force that murdered a kid in the streets and left him to rot might have some issues

Except is wasn't murder, it was justifiable homicide. Of course, using the pejorative (and incorrect) term of "murder" fits better with the leftist agenda, so have at it.
Many Conservatives are Blowing it on the Ferguson DOJ Report


I. The Ferguson Police Department acts almost exclusively as a revenue generation machine for the city.

II. The Ferguson PD Habitually Uses Excessive Force

III. The Ferguson PD has Utterly Failed to Supervise its Officers’ Use of Force

IV. The Ferguson PD Systematically Punishes Residents of Ferguson for ‘Contempt of Cop’

V. The Evidence of Racial Bias in the Administration of Justice in Ferguson is Overwhelming
Many Conservatives are Blowing it on the Ferguson DOJ Report


I. The Ferguson Police Department acts almost exclusively as a revenue generation machine for the city.

II. The Ferguson PD Habitually Uses Excessive Force

III. The Ferguson PD has Utterly Failed to Supervise its Officers’ Use of Force

IV. The Ferguson PD Systematically Punishes Residents of Ferguson for ‘Contempt of Cop’

V. The Evidence of Racial Bias in the Administration of Justice in Ferguson is Overwhelming
Yup...all of that is correct.

That still doesn't change the overwhelming evidence that Officer Wilson acted in lawful self-defense when he shot and killed Mike Brown.  Mike Brown's death, while tragic, is the end result of his own violent and criminal lifestyle.  It's really quite simple...don't assault a police officer and you won't get shot.  Even if Officer Wilson IS a KKK hood wearing, Stormfront posting, Nazi flag waving, racist bigot, he still has the right to defend his own life from a violent attack.
Many Conservatives are Blowing it on the Ferguson DOJ Report


I. The Ferguson Police Department acts almost exclusively as a revenue generation machine for the city.

II. The Ferguson PD Habitually Uses Excessive Force

III. The Ferguson PD has Utterly Failed to Supervise its Officers’ Use of Force

IV. The Ferguson PD Systematically Punishes Residents of Ferguson for ‘Contempt of Cop’

V. The Evidence of Racial Bias in the Administration of Justice in Ferguson is Overwhelming

Yup...all of that is correct.

That still doesn't change the overwhelming evidence that Officer Wilson acted in lawful self-defense when he shot and killed Mike Brown.  Mike Brown's death, while tragic, is the end result of his own violent and criminal lifestyle.  It's really quite simple...don't assault a police officer and you won't get shot.  Even if Officer Wilson IS a KKK hood wearing, Stormfront posting, Nazi flag waving, racist bigot, he still has the right to defend his own life from a violent attack.

:lol: @ overwhelming evidence.
@ overwhelming evidence.
Good enough for the DOJ and Obama, yes?
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Yea who'd have thought a police force that murdered a kid in the streets and left him to rot might have some issues

Except is wasn't murder, it was justifiable homicide. Of course, using the pejorative (and incorrect) term of "murder" fits better with the leftist agenda, so have at it.

And please what is the "leftist agenda"?

I'm convince this is blco02's alternate account. Because once he stops posting, you start.
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In regards to the DOJ report on Ferguson, do they mention the name of a cop who unfairly targeted a black person for a crime? Were any names published? Were any cops fired as a result? The answer is no.

If there are racist cops in Ferguson they should be fired, of course. But none have been fired. Holder didn't name a single one in the report. The whole thing reeks of politics to me. They admitted that Wilson did no wrong, so of course they had to bury that headline and throw the left wing a bone with their "Ferguson is racist" report.
white folks love to point out a "head" ***** who agrees with their perspective lmao.  On some Al Sharpton ****. Why does it matter what Obama thinks?  I doubt you support any of his other ideas.
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You're such a god damb hypocrite for even suggesting this, you were the same dude tried to use a statistic of black people having a high number of children out of wedlock as a reason for the communities' troubles.
I was giving a characteristic of a GROUP as a possible cause of an issue for that GROUP as a whole.  No ecological fallacy there.

You were equating a characteristic of a GROUP as the reason for the acts of an INDIVIDUAL in said group.  That's the ecological fallacy.

If you cannot see the clear difference there, then I can't help you, man.
I'll never understand how black people can make someone feels so threatened and insecure that the resort to trying to spread hate let alone on the internet.

That has to be a sad life.
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See the thing is most of the SWS are too ***** made to go public with it.

What exactly does SWS stand for?  Some derogatory term for white people, right?  Who's the racist here?

Not it is not, try again

SWS means Suspected White Supremacist

It a person who is believe to support the system of white supremacist in America based on their words and actions.

Someone doesn't get label a SWS for just being white.
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Not it is not, try again

SWS means Suspected White Supremacist

It a person who is believe to support the system of white supremacist in America based on their words and actions.

Someone doesn't get label a SWS for just being white.

Just shows he hasn't read much in this thread. SWS has been explained how many times?
You're such a god damb hypocrite for even suggesting this, you were the same dude tried to use a statistic of black people having a high number of children out of wedlock as a reason for the communities' troubles.

I was giving a characteristic of a GROUP as a possible cause of an issue for that GROUP as a whole.  No ecological fallacy there.

You were equating a characteristic of a GROUP as the reason for the acts of an INDIVIDUAL in said group.  That's the ecological fallacy.

If you cannot see the clear difference there, then I can't help you, man.

Ahhhhh arguing semantic now

I was just pointing out that when using faulty logic served you argument you were all for it.

-And maybe you should school yourself on what exactly that fallacy means. Because you seemed to mistakes about it right here too:

Unless the English language got altered overnight and "states" now mean something singular :lol:

The most conservative states in country are the poorest, least educated and closed minded.

Why you want to he associated with that is beyond me.

Please Google "ecological fallacy".
I'll never understand how black people can make someone feels so threatened and insecure that the resort to trying to spread hate let alone on the internet.

That has to be a sad life.
Funny, I was wondering the very same thing about you black people who see "racism" everywhere.  That's "tinfoil hat" thinking, and that IS a sad life.

For the record, MY life is friggin' awesome.  No complaints at all.
For the record, MY life is friggin' awesome.  No complaints at all. :pimp:


Mine too. You feel like we're living in hell because we can see the system in place and it gets under our skin that your life is "friggin awesome"?

It doesn't. We don't care.
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