Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

^ Well, killing from Cops has always been happening since the beginning of time, I'm pretty sure it happened a lot then during Tupac's era when Cops would murder Black folks, but then again, Cops would murder white folks too. Cops would murder any criminal. It's just getting big now of Cops on Black because of news media,, social media, publicity, Al Sharpton making money, etc.
Al sharpton


Anytime a white person brings up All Sharpton, I immediately dismiss everything afterwards because black people do NOT talk about al sharpton.

Its like... The go to for people trying to denigrate race relations...

Seriously... What black person have you heard in the past 10 years actively talk about Al Sharpton for more than 6 minutes?
I don't think anyone said it was treacherous work.  

But by brushing these guys off as folks that couldn't hack it as "real" cops kind of shirks them of responsibility in this situation, IMO.  

"These guys couldn't make it as real cops, so what did you expect from them?"  

They are sworn in police officers in the state of Virginia.  They're law enforcement.  Regardless of how treacherous or not their jobs are.  

So yet again, we have cops overstepping their bounds and abusing their power.  Seems to be a common theme.  
No, I didn't mean it that way, dude.  I never said they weren't responsible for the student's injuries.  Quite the contrary...they greatly overstepped their bounds dealing with a nonviolent administrative matter (fake ID).  It's not like the student assaulted them.  They're just powertripping.  Like I said, if they wanna tussle, they should be county cops or state troopers...they'll have their hands full then.  I grew up in the DMV, so I know all about VA cops, trust me.
Al sharpton


Anytime a white person brings up All Sharpton, I immediately dismiss everything afterwards because black people do NOT talk about al sharpton.

Its like... The go to for people trying to denigrate race relations...

Seriously... What black person have you heard in the past 10 years actively talk about Al Sharpton for more than 6 minutes?
Seriously, **** Al Sharpton.  He's as representative of black folks as David Duke is of white folks.
Seriously, **** Al Sharpton.  He's as representative of black folks as David Duke is of white folks. :lol:

When people say stuff like this it exposes their ignorance and/or how much they've been brainwashed.

It's like saying the Black Panthers were like the KKK.

Al sharpton


Anytime a white person brings up All Sharpton, I immediately dismiss everything afterwards because black people do NOT talk about al sharpton.

Its like... The go to for people trying to denigrate race relations...

Seriously... What black person have you heard in the past 10 years actively talk about Al Sharpton for more than 6 minutes?

Maybe you should watch his MSNBC show
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When people say stuff like this it exposes their ignorance and/or how much they've been brainwashed.

It's like saying the Black Panthers were like the KKK.
Maybe you should watch his MSNBC show
I'm not saying Al isn't influential to the community.

I think he gets a lot of heat because he points out the obvious...

But bringing him up... that's like... A clear sign that yiu have ZERO interaction with black people...

Because black people aren't running around saying "I don't have the answers... Talk to Sharpton. He will tell you how I feel"

Again, Sharpton is cool. Takes unnecessary heat...

But he's not the spokesperson for the black race, and people always scream his name out for stuff
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Not at all, more so they tear down our people and "leaders" like they've been doing and trying to do since J Edgar Hoover.

Black people hate and distrust some of our so called leaders and don't even know why.

It's also a way to make sure nobody else steps up and tries to lead.
Not at all, more so they tear down our people and "leaders" like they've been doing and trying to do since J Edgar Hoover.

Black people hate and distrust some of our so called leaders and don't even know why.

It's also a way to make sure nobody else steps up and tries to lead.
This does not apply to Al Sharpton.

He's a known scumbag. He needs to be "torn down".
Not at all, more so they tear down our people and "leaders" like they've been doing and trying to do since J Edgar Hoover.

Black people hate and distrust some of our so called leaders and don't even know why.

It's also a way to make sure nobody else steps up and tries to lead.

This does not apply to Al Sharpton.

He's a known scumbag. He needs to be "torn down".

Pretty much :lol: I would need hard facts to show what he does to advance us as a culture.
Naah, not brainwashed...just calling out race hustlers when I see them.

I mean I see it this way. His self appointed job is giving a voice (whatever that voice is) to black people being unjustly treated. Whether he adds or subtracts to the situation is another conversation but the fact that we see him more and more has to do with the current state of race in our nation. If there wasn't a race situation to begin with there wouldn't be an Al Sharpton to take advantage of it.
I mean I see it this way. His self appointed job is giving a voice (whatever that voice is) to black people being unjustly treated. Whether he adds or subtracts to the situation is another conversation but the fact that we see him more and more has to do with the current state of race in our nation. If there wasn't a race situation to begin with there wouldn't be an Al Sharpton to take advantage of it.
That's just it.  There are a lot of race-related issues in this country, and Al Sharpton IS NOT HELPING THINGS AT ALL.  He's just taking advantage of discord for his own personal gain.  That's what most sane, rational people would call EVIL.
Explain how he gains from this.

Like a lot of people say **** like that but can't back it up. They repeat what is told to them IMO. Al isn't perfect but none of us are. Instead of typing from a cell phone or a computer about what should be done he has a history of helping...

But you have those that feel threatened and so they only focus on negativity and put him in a box. And black people are real quick to follow what someone else said instead of forming their own opinions about him and Jesse. Most of us are too young to even know or understand what they have done for black people despite whatever negative things happened along the way. Most people that don't like al re still holding on the who he was in the 80's.

Just my thoughts.
That's just it.  There are a lot of race-related issues in this country, and Al Sharpton IS NOT HELPING THINGS AT ALL.  He's just taking advantage of discord for his own personal gain.  That's what most sane, rational people would call EVIL.

How does one help things? By not mentioning them?

Naah, not brainwashed...just calling out race hustlers when I see them.

What's a race hustler? I know this is a common Faux News expression.

But I've seen many stories that would have never gained attention become national because of Al.
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Explain how he gains from this.

Like a lot of people say **** like that but can't back it up. They repeat what is told to them IMO. Al isn't perfect but none of us are. Instead of typing from a cell phone or a computer about what should be done he has a history of helping...

But you have those that feel threatened and so they only focus on negativity and put him in a box. And black people are real quick to follow what someone else said instead of forming their own opinions about him and Jesse. Most of us are too young to even know or understand what they have done for black people despite whatever negative things happened along the way. Most people that don't like al re still holding on the who he was in the 80's.

Just my thoughts.
This might sound start to a dumb *****.

I'm a student. I can start a whole thread on Al Sharpton. I don't get swayed by message board opinions. Nothing I can say about him is based on "following what someone else said". Al Sharpton's transgressions are well known and very much out him for what his real motives are.

He might be a leader in your eyes. Far from mines.
This might sound start to a dumb *****.

I'm a student. I can start a whole thread on Al Sharpton. I don't get swayed by message board opinions. Nothing I can say about him is based on "following what someone else said". Al Sharpton's transgressions are well known and very much out him for what his real motives are.

He might be a leader in your eyes. Far from mines.

Al's a rat and tried to give up Assata any good he's done is trumped by all the negative
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That's just it.  There are a lot of race-related issues in this country, and Al Sharpton IS NOT HELPING THINGS AT ALL.  He's just taking advantage of discord for his own personal gain.  That's what most sane, rational people would call EVIL.

How does one help things? By not mentioning them?

Naah, not brainwashed...just calling out race hustlers when I see them.

What's a race hustler? I know this is a common Faux News expression.

But I've seen many stories that would have never gained attention become national because of Al.

That's because of presence, not actions. He's a household name, and even more, his name causes controversy. He's building his brand on the controversy of racism and because the media and whites alike know him, they automatically make him the voice of an entire race.
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