Police Soliciting Bribes - experiences?

Jul 10, 2011
Anybody ever experience police soliciting bribes for freedom?
I live in TX, know a lot of people who drive to Mexico to see family, etc. Having police pull you over for no reason except to have an impromptu payday is very common there. However, a couple friends of mine were told by two cops, yesterday, that they were getting arrested if they didn't pay them the amount they asked for. They didn't have enough cash nor their debit cards on them for whatever reason, and the cops lived up to their word--arrested them both. They told me the story, today, so passively that it seemed as though they considered it a normal occurrence... figured I'd come on here and see if that's true or not.
Happened to me when I went to Juarez a few years ago. 3 of my friends and I were walking to a bar (3 of us look hispanic but none of us actually are, and 1 friend is white with blond hair). 2 cops pulled the white friend aside and demanded to see his wallet. He gave it to them, they looked inside for money but he was broke, we were paying for him. They said something in spanish, threw his wallet back at him and left.
I had a couple rookies lightweight solicit me around Christmas time a few years ago.

The car smelled like smoke or something and they went into this big speech about giving me a DUI and how much of a hassle it is and going over all the expenses I would have to pay.  I already knew theres no way they could do that unless I admitted it.  In the end they asked me how much money I had in my pocket.  I told em $18.  They let me go anyway.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Your friends that were arrested, OP, was it in Mexico or America?
America. I have a couple friends who are cops. I want to ask them, but not sure if it would come across as offensive.
Yup, in Matamoros.
Got pulled over and the cop said I was speeding, gave him a stupid look and he smirked, I just told him "How bout I give you something for the coffee?".

Gave him 300 pesos and he let me go, wasn't trying to get caught up in Mexico 
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Your friends that were arrested, OP, was it in Mexico or America?
America. I have a couple friends who are cops. I want to ask them, but not sure if it would come across as offensive.
How would it be offensive?

Don't ask them if THEY ever taken or solicited bribes, ask them if it does happen.

btw If a cop does hint that they'll take a bribe, is a possible that it would be like a trap or whatever and that you/i could get in trouble for it?
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Your friends that were arrested, OP, was it in Mexico or America?
America. I have a couple friends who are cops. I want to ask them, but not sure if it would come across as offensive.
Damn, what were they charged with? I'm about to turn the voice recorder on my phone on next time I get pulled over just in case
so i dont understand... are you bribing the cop, or getting extorted? because if your getting extorted then
my coworker said in mexico some cops plant weed in your hand at the club or something. off guard and try to arrest you for posession or pay.

another friend knows a cop who has weed plants.

theyre just normal people who passed a test and get payed for having a job.
I live in Texas and know this happens a lot down here and Mexico as well.

I remember my mom speeding on a school zone, we got pulled over, the cop was cool with my dad, and I just told the cop who my dad was and he let us go, no warning or anything, just said drive safe and take care.

One of my uncle's was driving drunk, gave a a cop $200 to let him go.
at the same time.
This happens in the US, am I reading correctly? I wouldn't be surprised if it happens every once in a while, but seems like almost everyone here has had an experience like this before 
To clarify: The cops (in America) pretty much told them that if they didn't pay them, they were going to arrest them.

It sounded like a typical situation in Mexico, but I didn't think this happened in America. I mean, it happened in Houston--not some small border town--and I've never experienced this myself.
If an american cop says that file a complaint, if its mexican theres nothing you can really do. As a police officer I do not stand for corruption.
If you're in Mexico you best comply
Ask some locals about going to jail. 9/10 times it's a horror story

Cops in Aguascalientes do that $%#* ALL the time
A couple of my boys went to Mexico a couple years ago.  When coming back, they were asked by the Mexican guards if they were all born in the US and two of them said no and were held until they both spent a night waiting in a holding cell until they were both able to get $300 to pay for their "bail"
  That deaded any ideas of me ever stepping in that hellhole
ive been pulled over at least 8-10 times between CT and NY an never had this happen to me
Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Cops in Aguascalientes do that $%#* ALL the time

I got fam in Aguscalientes and they've told me this before.

Feds almost took my brother's truck (07 Silverado) in Zacatecaz about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm almost sure dude had to pay to get away.
A dude that I knew offered a cop 25,000 in cash so that he wouldnt get arrested for smoking a blunt in Times Sq

Homie ended up getting locked up
Originally Posted by daffy 016

A dude that I knew offered a cop 25,000 in cash so that he wouldnt get arrested for smoking a blunt in Times Sq

Homie ended up getting locked up

Texas cop would've taken thy in a heartbeat, Dude probably didn't have 25,000 in cash though.
PG County cop made my guy pay him 100 or he was gonna hit him with some bs fighting charge.
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