Pookie used to be on Ustream actin a fool when national truckers was still rollin
Both have their own highlights. Every time I see anything about golden, the first thing I think about was when he killed the rat in his closet.
(oh someone posted the vid :rofl: )

Does anyone remember when we tried to vote him on the I love New York show? Man I thought we was gonna get him on.
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I legit felt bad when the goons ran thru his spot.

Dudes was trying to roast him even tho it was serious

G.A. getting it crackin with that girl from Three Six Mafia :pimp: :lol:
Real talk... I can recall the moment NT became tame/weak and all around fell off to me.

Dude made a thread asking for advice on getting some chick from his class. Homie was nice enough to do the honorable NT thing and posted pics. Apparently the pics were from the chicks Facebook and clicking them lead to her page.

Low and behold... Some cornball ************ emails the broad a LINK TO THE THREAD saying "look at these guys talking about you" or something to that effect.

Apparently from the description in the thread, shorty was able to figure out who made the thread/the guy was from her class. So homie tries to approach her again with the advice we gave him, and shorty hands him print outs of the thread and called him a creep.

Ever since that, **** just hasn't been the same.

i swear that sounds like something DC would do....

I wish I was cool enough back when Pookie lived in Orlando to hang with him. But I wasn't. I was a lame *** sneaker-head who was more interested in buying $100 Supreme t-shirts than getting it crackin :smh:

GoldenArmz had pics of his conquests though and pics go a long way on the internet (or so I've heard)

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