Pope/Vatican accused of crimes against humanity Vol. About time

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Sadly, as much as you guys complain, there is no way you can end a religion.

Hopefully justice is served to those who were even part of this.
Oh word? 
I bet the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans would disagree with you. 

Millions of gods have been murked throughout history. I don't see the harm in trying...
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Again, this isn't about "religion" this is about sexual abuse. It just so happens religion gets used to protect it. Step aside from your bias and do the right thing. Calling me a keyboard warrior doesn't mean anything. 

None of the marches and political activism in the last 5 years would not have happened without the internet so sit there and keep talking out of the side of your head. Things are changing and you're about to be on the wrong side of history. 


Can't... be... serious
I guess the protests in Wisconsin and the current ones on Wall Street don't mean anything.
Don't even mention what happened in the Middle East this year. 

But yeah, I can't be serious because you live under a rock.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Sadly, as much as you guys complain, there is no way you can end a religion.

Hopefully justice is served to those who were even part of this.
Oh word? 
I bet the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans would disagree with you. 

Millions of gods have been murked throughout history.
I don't see the harm in trying...

lol @ there is no way to end a religion, people are so out of touch with history and reality

Whatever fictional God you believe in will die someday, maybe not in your lifetime but it has happened to greater Gods from many different cultures.

your "God" aint special
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Again, this isn't about "religion" this is about sexual abuse. It just so happens religion gets used to protect it. Step aside from your bias and do the right thing. Calling me a keyboard warrior doesn't mean anything. 

None of the marches and political activism in the last 5 years would not have happened without the internet so sit there and keep talking out of the side of your head. Things are changing and you're about to be on the wrong side of history. 


Can't... be... serious
I guess the protests in Wisconsin and the current ones on Wall Street don't mean anything.
Don't even mention what happened in the Middle East this year. 

But yeah, I can't be serious because you live under a rock.

What in the blue hell are you talking about?
Originally Posted by yankeesking92

This is why I've come to know this, I have faith in God, but not in the church.

Deep statement and I'd have to agree.

With stuff like Eddie Long, the Vatican, and my personal experience of my ex-girlfriend's pastor polluting her mind with junk about me. Once he got rid of me while convincing her that "God doesn't want her with me.", she ends up with his nephew.

They're married now. I haven't looked at church the same since. I can't remember the last time I went. I believe in God. I have my religious beliefs. I'll keep that relationship between myself and what I believe in.
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

this guy infers that silence means support. if your not rabble raising liek he is then he thinks you are part of the problem.

What's REALLY funny is that in rufio's statement lies his fault and shows his lack of intelligence.

Why? Silence to an atrocious act is just as bad as actively supporting it. I don't know what he was taught, but I have learned to stand up for what I believe in and always voice my opinion. To stick up for my values and beliefs as long as they don't hurt anyone else. To sit back and just let things, bad things, happen is just as bad as actively contributing to the act.

This is why they tell everyone starting from middle school to vote. That is a very simple benign example.

A more extreme example would be letting your neighbor rape another neighbor's daughter and just because you're not doing it you think it's okay to not say anything?  Think of the pope and this analogy.

Need another example? Maybe one that has affect a whole society? Think of the civil rights movement what were they doing? What was the purpose of the movement and how did they come about accomplishing it's goals?
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

i dont worry about the gods with faces and stories. i worry about the gods that are not labelled.
I feel you on this, though.
Like, I know for sure that none of these religions are the absolute truth, but I just don't know what's out there.

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Once he got rid of me while convincing her that "God doesn't want her with me.", she ends up with his nephew.

They're married now. I haven't looked at church the same since. I can't remember the last time I went. I believe in God. I have my religious beliefs. I'll keep that relationship between myself and what I believe in.
These are a few of my biggest gripes with religion. One is that it can be used so easily to manipulate people. It's easy to say "This is what god wants" when it's in your favor. Another is how divisive religion could be. I remember being in heated arguments with my ex (
I was young
) about how we'd raise our kids. I was Catholic and she was Methodist.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Do you struggle with seeing if thats right or wrong? Or can you not think for yourself?
Apparently you can't ole i only post charts graphs articles and no original ideas but its okay cuz i completely agree with these opinions ole egon from ghostbusters science bwoi.

Bruh, the article asked how can a catholic still defend RAPE AND MOLESTATION.
Its the same thing i've been saying. 

I only posted the article to lend credence to my argument in a clear and concisely written form.

That article was written LAST year btw. This isn't new by any means. 

This is about communication. 

How do I know you've even written anything that is posted under your username? or am I supposed to take your misspelled statements and poor sentence structure to indicate it as being solely the best thing you're capable of producing to represent your opinion and username?

In any case, I don't see what we're debating here. I can't understand why this discussion isn't about the pope protecting child rapists but you want to talk about who had the more original argument.

Get out of here with that. You're part of the reason we can't prosecute these monsters because you're worried about something irrelevant, like the size of my font or the weather in wisconsin or something random. 

What's funny is that he tries to poke fun at our statements saying they are not original ideas (Even though we are not discussing novel data or theories where originality would apply. We are discussing long standing thoroughly researched arguments) but he has yet to ever post a throughly researched idea or theroy of his own.

He just comes in here with a condescending, holier than thou attitude thinking just because he doesn't take a side or because he can argue both sides OR, as he puts it, doesn't say anything, that he is better. LOL. What a hypocrite.

Just because you don't pick a side to defend or are "silent" about a topic doesn't give you the right to judge individuals that have chosen to defend an argument.

Side note: The problem with people is that they think there are always 2 sides to an argument. What they fail to realize is that with some topics there actual is a RIGHT OR WRONG opinion. And, when it comes to these topics if you don't have any opinon (rufio) then shut your mouth and don't judge individuals that do.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Sadly, as much as you guys complain, there is no way you can end a religion.

Hopefully justice is served to those who were even part of this.
Oh word? 
I bet the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans would disagree with you. 
mystery schools bro... mystery schools...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

This is why I've come to know this, I have faith in God, but not in the church.

Deep statement and I'd have to agree.

With stuff like Eddie Long, the Vatican, and my personal experience of my ex-girlfriend's pastor polluting her mind with junk about me. Once he got rid of me while convincing her that "God doesn't want her with me.", she ends up with his nephew.

They're married now. I haven't looked at church the same since. I can't remember the last time I went. I believe in God. I have my religious beliefs. I'll keep that relationship between myself and what I believe in.
Thats tuff bro... the church did alot of evil to me and my fam too... To be fair jesus said this would happen and that many people on judgement day would say " we knew you and did this in your name" and he would say depart from me, i never knew you...

Also some people say church is the anti-christ.... I cant say i disagree... Im a a really goody church now... but they are rare.. God is good though but the church which should dunction as the body of god, hasn't stepped up to there place...
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

What's funny is that he tries to poke fun at our statements saying they are not original ideas (Even though we are not discussing novel data or theories where originality would apply. We are discussing long standing thoroughly researched arguments) but he has yet to ever post a throughly researched idea or theroy of his own.

He just comes in here with a condescending, holier than thou attitude thinking just because he doesn't take a side or because he can argue both sides OR, as he puts it, doesn't say anything, that he is better. LOL. What a hypocrite.

Just because you don't pick a side to defend or are "silent" about a topic doesn't give you the right to judge individuals that have chosen to defend an argument.

Side note: The problem with people is that they think there are always 2 sides to an argument. What they fail to realize is that with some topics there actual is a RIGHT OR WRONG opinion. And, when it comes to these topics if you don't have any opinon (rufio) then shut your mouth and don't judge individuals that do.
Our statements? did I offend Team We Educated?

You mad cause I dont flaunt my subjectivity on people and post articles to back them up to make them appear factual????  Sorry, I aint about that life.

It's sad that you're projecting some inane feelings pent up somewhere deep in the crevice of your homoerotic mind that some dude is tickling your *@@+ and ruffling your peacock feathers Ock.

Keep assuming because I'm not on Team We post charts and graphs to prove my opinion, that I don't have a side.

You acting like people actually support pedos on NT???? Son i dint see you and your bwoifriends posting up articles and vids when we took on NT's on Pedo VamPedo???? Where were you? LMFAO

My man said some things have a right and wrong.  No Shhhhh Craylock.

My man said shut my mouth.  IGNORE ME BRAH!

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

What's funny is that he tries to poke fun at our statements saying they are not original ideas (Even though we are not discussing novel data or theories where originality would apply. We are discussing long standing thoroughly researched arguments) but he has yet to ever post a throughly researched idea or theroy of his own.

He just comes in here with a condescending, holier than thou attitude thinking just because he doesn't take a side or because he can argue both sides OR, as he puts it, doesn't say anything, that he is better. LOL. What a hypocrite.

Just because you don't pick a side to defend or are "silent" about a topic doesn't give you the right to judge individuals that have chosen to defend an argument.

Side note: The problem with people is that they think there are always 2 sides to an argument. What they fail to realize is that with some topics there actual is a RIGHT OR WRONG opinion. And, when it comes to these topics if you don't have any opinon (rufio) then shut your mouth and don't judge individuals that do.
Our statements? did I offend Team We Educated?

1. You mad cause I dont flaunt my subjectivity on people and post articles to back them up to make them appear factual????  Sorry, I aint about that life.

5. It's sad that you're projecting some inane feelings pent up somewhere deep in the crevice of your homoerotic mind that some dude is tickling your *@@+ and ruffling your peacock feathers Ock.

2. Keep assuming because I'm not on Team We post charts and graphs to prove my opinion, that I don't have a side.

3. You acting like people actually support pedos on NT???? Son i dint see you and your bwoifriends posting up articles and vids when we took on NT's on Pedo VamPedo???? Where were you? LMFAO

4. My man said some things have a right and wrong.  No Shhhhh Craylock.

My man said shut my mouth.  IGNORE ME BRAH!

1. No, you obviously aren't. You just come in here call everyone stupid, add nothing to the actual conversation, and then leave. You about THAT life, I see. TEAM WASTE OF SPACE AND RESOURCES.

2. Never made that assumption. If you reread my post you'll see that I said either you don't have a side, or just choose not to say it, but think you still have the right to judge others'.

3. No, I don't. Reading comprehension buddy. Also, I have no clue who vampedo is, sorry. If he was an actual pedo on NT and I knew of him I would have said my opinion of him.

4. Obviously, you're one of those guys that will never understand that statement.

5. Your words show you as a sad excuse for a scientist, minority, American, and MAN.
Why are we even debating this?

The pope hid the face kids got molested.

End of story.

Down with him.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

relax guy it was a joke.
theses an old saying about the humor of rape and clowns
Yeah, it was a joke when you thought you had a point about people using science to disprove fallacious arguments.
Go back to defending pedophiles like you've been doing in here. 
listen if i accept timcity, i'll accept you. you looking just liek the people you bashing
wait, what?  i haven't said a thing in this thread, lol....
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