Hmm ...

I can definitely say I am liking this shoe more and more. I like new technology, new designs etc ... I'm tired of Retro's.

I would have to test out that strap quite a bit to make sure it was durable. I don't get how it could be, but some are saying it is.

The strap is the design element of the shoe people. You take that off, it's really nothing.

I for one, say the strap is one of the few things that SHOULDN'T be touched ... so long as it DOES hold up on the court.

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Did they mix the 2k4 and the M.Vick 1 together


The Lasering is amazing but the shoe itself is disappointing. Maybe the other colourways will look better but this one doesnt look good.

at the guy who posted the pics without blocking out the sample #. No more samples for you buddy.
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NikeTalk Canada
The only way to make these shoes hot is to make them limited edition.

Otherwise, they will meet the same fate as the last 5 releases - sales rack.
those look dope in a black whote colorway

these shoes Im tellin u will look good in person I can imagine looking down at them take a look in the sticky the side view aaint as good
you gotta be kidding me,wake me up right now 'coz im having a nightmare looking at this picture,Mr.Tinker i am hoping you are just kidding as far as your design on XX's :evil:
But I got some good news today...I got word that JB is rethinking some things after the less than good reaction the samples have received.

Vancity, I am not calling you out or anything, but that's what I meant. I see and understand your point as well, even though I'm still figuring out your analogy :nerd:
. If the samples were not to be pubicly shown, why would JB be rethinking their ideas based on reaction from the consumer?

JB DO listen to niketalk in small ways. Remember the XIIs Taxi Low BLACK MIDSOLES? obviously either JB read from here and thought over the XII black midsoles idea or some jb jack-*** worker read off of niketalk and brought the change of color idea back to JB headquarters as his own idea. either way the colorway of the midsoles DID change FOR THE BETTER. we, niketalk are complain for the better of the shoes.

Limited to JB = any meaning other then limited
Only FOOLZ pay JB's MSRP
Greatest failure of JB = Nubuck release (AKA inventory failure, I believe you JB, I truely do)
And we are talking about a Multi-million dollar company... the crisis continues...
Predicting the fall of Jordan Brand in 2007
well i think i have come to an understanding with this shoe, an epiphany os sorts. JB since the xv has been on this whole minimalism thing, and with shoes getting more busy & complicated maybe JB has decided to take the route less traveled and oversimplify?

These are somewhat different but they are hardly revolutionary, now if what air elijah posted about actually using the laser to enhance performance was/is implemented that would be innovation. jordans are supposed to be about perfromance & the laser is killing that sleekness.

i actually do not think they are bad but these are not worth $175. I can not help but think how would people receive this if were not a jordan shoe? even though i never liked 16-19, i never questioned the validity of a JB shoe, they looked like forward designs, and more importantly they looked like flagship jordans, they had certain details & qualities to them. they did not look like jumpmans

The more i look at them, the more i dislike them, there is nothing other than the laser & ankle strap to look at, i really hope that what CEO has said is more that true, that these are off and changes have been made.

Lastly i will say this: i think JB has sort of left the consumer behind in its search for its design ideals or whatever criteria they are using to design shoes these days. i used to wonder why car companies did not come out with most of those dope concept cars at auto shows, it was later that i found out it was the purpose is to sort of pace the consumer into the next era of design, to say "this is what we are capable of" and gauge the consumers reaction. Generally their understanding was we can not jump so far ahead as to alienate our core consumers.

While I do not think that this is totally the case here, i do feel that JB is trying to move ahead fastre than most are ready to go, which depending how you look at it can be a good or a bad thing.
No idea is original...It is never what you do, but how it is done
First thing that comes to mind when I see the laser design:

This is DEFINETLY a shoe made for the collectors out there.
"Read My Writing On The Wall..."

Brisbane, Australia
I would like them more if the laser was introduced to Air Jordan XX first. In this way they are copying something that was already seen.

i hope to god this isnt it.

the only thing about the shoe that might be a little appealing is the back / heal. knowing jordan brand, they will release this crap

I like the strap, but the WHOLE shoe looks like the serve em'! the need to redesign the whole shoe, but leave the strap
Well, I can say that I realy like the look. It's clean and simple and new. I think the midfoot strap is a nice element, and it actually may have a preformance benefit. I'm just not sure how that ankle strap is going to help. It seems Nike/JB is really pushing these ankle straps like on the Vick's and Shox Masterpiece as well.

I do think they should lower the price to $160 though. Otherwise I'm waiting until they go on sale.
i honestly feel that the laser strap is extremely corny, hear me out, its almost like they said "we'll make the whole shoe plain, and throw a buncha crazy stuff on a strap to compensate for its plainness" i feel as if that strap, in no way "meshes" with the overall look of the shoe, i think its horrible
"Can I puff cigars and drink Cristal,
If this is Heaven to me is this considered Heavenly,
Can I still touch lives, Answer their "whats and whys",
Make sure everybody in my Fam' clutch 5,
If I should die..."
Ha ha ha...it's always funny to read these Air Jordan first pics posts. The opinions are so varied, proving that you can not please everybody.

I think the thing to keep in mind is that JB is about minimalistic design. I am the same as many of you in the way that when I see the new J's, I want to have alot to look at! That's just not the case with the language now. Remember when the XVIII surfaced? It was a triangular flap and a fat blue stripe at the bottom! There was percieveably no design. The adjustment takes place once the mind accepts the piece for what it IS, not what it coulda/shoulda been. Once you can grasp the parts that are there, you can then appreciate that for what it is. We have not had a chance to hold and inspect these for all the little details. I think once that happens, alot of heads will change direction as usual. I can't wait to see the medial view and outsole of these!
I'm not feeling them right now, but I don't hate them. The mid strap is too big and seems too much like a shroud. The heel strap patent/red looks out of place. If people were having trouble with all the different textures on the XIX's, they'll faint over these. At least the XIX's maintained the same color through out. The lasering isn't clean enough for me. Like someone said earlier, it seems like a doodle. Hopefully the black colorway will help this shoe.
Regardless, I think your logic is very flawed. You might know marketing, but you can't apply it to JB

I agree.

we can not jump so far ahead as to alienate our core consumers

I would tend to agree. Tinker was a Designer for the Gen X'ers. Now that we appreciate some change, because our Generation was brought up having changes all the time, the generation behind us, isn't used to change, because they are used to OUR designs..our trends the way we liked it.

When life replicates itself, it usually does so, every 40 - 50 years. I have already seen things in my own young lifetime be duplicated with Retro's and Throwbacks.

Girbaud's and Jordache. LaCoste and Sergio's. I am 31 and the new Generation does not have it's own creativity in many markets. No Disrespect.

So MJ and his staff, but determine how to find a seam between all the cross generations to please and keep making cutting edge designs. Tinker was my Generation and older than most designers now. How can you expect him to still design for those 16 and up?

I wonder what those ages are of the designers at Nike who are putting out all the heat now? Maybe at JB, they should let those who are younger and closer to our generations take over the Lead.

Tate Kuerbis is closer to my age and re-designed the XIX SE..and I love that shoe waaay more than the original XIX... I wonder is it coincidence, that we like the retro-+ and such, because its not Tinker but the other's at JB who design them.

maybe JB has decided to take the route less traveled and oversimplify

I wonder why? Are they tired of making a Busy shoe? Or just moving to keep JB different?

its always a work in progress.


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