possible Nike.Com Jordan restock tomorrow (4/19) at 10am???

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Nah I just need to size up all my competition tbh
that's what I think for reals tho not even goin for royals tbh.. I gotta go for something no one else goes for to even have a shot.. sad but true

on another note I just wanna see nike update their twitter.. dunno if they're still alive over there.. some random ish gotta drop soon..
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I try to stay positive about my chances about the royals. A 0.000000001% chance is better than a 0% chance lol
No way will Nike leave the links the same. Theres never been anywhere near the amount of people monitoring "early links" like there is now. They can definitely see that there are 10,000,000 people on the royals page right now
I have this feeling NDC wont change their twitter links...if there are 10,000,000 people sitting on a page to purchase a shoe, all NDC sees is $$$$$ no matter where its coming from. NDC doesn't have feelings. lol
Got to work opened up NT and saw almost 1000 posts since I logged off, I thought I missed the restock. I guess I still have a chance!
Man I got the captcha but I couldn't even click the picture like 4 times why?
I had the same issue. I got to it 3 times after a while and it was just blank squares. I just randomly clicked, hoping for the best but nothing. Can't complain tho, I didn't need to spend the money any way.
I had the same issue. I got to it 3 times after a while and it was just blank squares. I just randomly clicked, hoping for the best but nothing. Can't complain tho, I didn't need to spend the money any way.
Yall try hitting the little refresh button near the pictures? That happened to me but after a quick refresh it started working again.
Yall try hitting the little refresh button near the pictures? That happened to me but after a quick refresh it started working again.
Yeah, I did any way. It's all good; I don't trip as much as others do here. 

Don't get me wrong, I love getting some new kicks, but if I don't, it's always some what comforting because I didn't spend money I didn't have in the first place. Haha!
Good morning gentleman. I just got off of work. Yesterday and today I rush home at top speed to be here at 8am just in case...
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Thank goodness for this site and these threads.Just wish I would of signed up a couple years ago.I guess it's good working bright and early because once I get home from work, I don't even look at a computer and I have no social media whatsoever. 
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