Post Funny Scenes Vol: Youtube clips

Originally Posted by DR813

imperialh8 wrote
Man I cannot stand the new Youtube layout and interface... They drowned out the negativity of the site....everything shown is positive.

I'm trying to destroy this guy but I can't leave a negative comment:
That�guy is�turrible[Charles Barkley voice]. I couldn't understand�one word he was saying. and that new youtube video layout does suck. I hate that thing. Why did they even change it in the�first place. it was just fine the way it was before. I'll never get used to that thing. it's so confusing.


I think the reason for you tube changing it's format is because they went from a flash format to html, so that portable devices such as the ipad can be supported easier. But ya I think they should have kept the same format but change the coding.

anyway, ya this dude sucks...the best part is every negative reply he gets, he attacks the person. So it's just fun seeing the guy react.  
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