POST SICK PICS OF KICKS VOL. letskeepthisonegoing

the on feet pics in here a crazy, but nice stuff none the less guys

Home and Away LAs
The kicks corner. I should clean and re-box them after each wear, but who am I kidding, I'm way to lazy for that.
Oh look, the monthly, "I'm corny and positioned my kicks in a damn pile but NAHHH I'll play it off like I really just threw them like that" pic
I am pretty sure every one here positioned the kicks they were going to post an image of before they actually snapped the pic. This is after all a thread to post pictures of kicks in. I am truly sorry if the criteria i posted did not met your standards. I never said this was a picture taken to catch my kicks in their natural habitat(I am not friggin Jane Goodall) just a corner of my room i keep the ones I currently have in rotation.You are entitled to your opinion how ever, so if you thinks it's corny let that be the end of it, and good day to you.
Doing a series on my Instagram where different iconic sneakers face off against each other.

Thought I'd share a few of them here.

More to come of course.



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