Post some things from your childhood VOL....MEMORIES

I had this lunchbox...


...anyone else have this joint?


...too far back for some of yall? loved mines!

I think you older than me but i def remember Curious George. You posting him also reminded me of





I had an Ernie from.Sesame St. That was a gift And a Bart Simpson. Apparently i grabbed the Bart toy when i was teething and was rubbing his spiky hair on my gums cuz they were itchy :lol: so my mom bought it for me. Still got em somewhere in storage
Damn I just remembered when I was real small I had this little pink bear. Had him so long an eye was missing lol

Like that episode of the Simpson's where mr burns was looking for his bear.

Got damb real reminiscent feels.
Oh damb I remember those.

Didn't those have codes in them? Like mortal kombat moves and ****
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