Post some things from your childhood VOL....MEMORIES


I read that these bad boys are back..haven't saw them anywhere but I'll be on the lookout tho..

Yeah they are back BUT .. theyre out of stock and only sold by the case. I posted em a few pages back and it made my look them to see if they were stil around. So disappointing not worth spending $50 on a case. I just want a cpl bottles
Yeah they are back BUT .. theyre out of stock and only sold by the case. I posted em a few pages back and it made my look them to see if they were stil around. So disappointing not worth spending $50 on a case. I just want a cpl bottles
Yea my man I just checked out the site a few minutes ago and like you said they most definitely are out of stock..checked amazon with no luck but ebay has them but people are asking crazy prices for them..saw one person wanted $40 for 4 bottles smh.. hopefully they get another shipment and ship worldwide...
Yeah we all wanted to go but it was happening for ya boy under age 10 lol. We rode thru some areas a cpl years and thats about as much exposure as i got. But i knew it was live n trouble out there :lol:
Lol I already know fam..If you drove past it I'm guessing you live out in the atl? Man as a youngster just riding past it I would've been
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