Post some things that have made/make you cry.

Jul 19, 2012
Tearjerker thread I guess. May be therapeutic for some.

whatever it may be, talk about it and post it here if it caused a powerful emotional response. anger, sadness, happiness or whatever.

everything is welcome. stories, videos, your own experiences, etc.

Most recently for me was Kobe’s passing but I watched Armageddon last night for the first time in years and the end had my eyes sweating heavy.
When yall dont bump threads, that have already been made or discussed.

Cry with me DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
tenor (6).gif

kingcrux31 kingcrux31
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee
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DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
kingcrux31 kingcrux31
Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

two of those threads almost 8-10 years old and none are about the same topic :emoji_thinking:

you could have just replied with your answer for all that
Having to part ways with my dog when moving to a new apartment. Kobe tribute had me with some dust in my eyes.
Also something I avoid are those vids of people surprising family members after a long period away. Those always get me.

Everytime mane :frown:

Pics and videos of Nip and Kobe still get to me. Kinda still refrain from watching but u know, Social Media makes it difficult.
2015 kicked off a string of the worst years of my life
that November my cousin was killed, dudes came to his apartment to rob him....
a year and a half later his brother dies of leukemia shortly after being diagnosed, they were both 33 years old when they died they both had a boat of kids they left behind, i'm talking like 9 each or something like that
their mom, my aunt is left with one son who is disabled that she cares for
those deaths sent my older brother spiraling into depression and alcoholism. That was the hardest thing i've ever had to deal with seeing the toll it took on my mom, worrying about if he was going to drink himself to death or crash into someone and kill them or himself
January 2019 another younger cousin of mine was killed in a car accident, he left behind 2 babies too
that **** was rough...
RIP Kravo, Poppy, and Ant
This scene would kill me even before I lost my wife. Now, even more so. “I’m starting to forget her” is something I hope my kids never say.

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