Post specific niketalk related Pics VOL. Ya'll remember these??

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Many are missing...

 -fifty cent driving by and laughing.
-The fat spanish kid with the reggaeton song.
-the comic strip with the guy who raped the girl..not sure if i explained that right lol
-The infamous "Im in your face" from the fast a furious movie

and some others.

that fat dude looks like that lax rolex dude from the jewlery thread who is always riding and slurping ben baller
Originally Posted by hellaones

Dwadefan wrote:
anybody got the version of this gif with Burt from Sesame Street in the back seat?


Yes and here's the Pedobear version also



Recap on the Chicken Fries thread? I've seen that pic on here before, but dont think I saw the original thread.
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