Post The Name of Your College and Major VOL...Spinoff of High School

There's a handful of UMBC'ers on here actually. How do you like it? I've never met someone who really enjoyed their time at UMBC.
thesimplestlife wrote:

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

tufts university 2010
You were a frosh when I graduated. Which bio courses you take?
well, im currently taking neurobio (as my last bio course to fulfill my major)...
at tufts I've also taken bio 13, bio 41 (genetics), bio 75 (comparative vertebrae physiology), bio 46 (cell bio).
the rest of my bio courses were taken at other schools (NYU, Swarthmore, FIU) during various points in my undergrad career (summer classes, etc..)

I was a Bio major as well/premed. I took 13/14/41/75 (Bernheim is that dude).....micro ?(Siegel was monotone as hell but he knew his stuff), cell bio lab, Mammalian CNS...Brain and Behavior (Psych...wasted credit, difficult course but I liked it...had to take it for research), contemporary biosocial problems,  Animal Behavior, Biochem
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by shiznut123

University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Economics '09

Nice. Any luck finding jobs? I'm finna about to move to Cali but that CA BAR exam got me shooked
I took a random job that has nothing to do with my major straight out of college just to pay the bills. The California job market is extremely competitive, especially for college grads with only internship experience/minor job experience compared to people that have been laid off with 5+ years experience. I'm going to start another job search this spring and hopefully get my career started
. Good luck with your move, Cali is  great place to live.
University of Charleston in West Virginia
B.A in Accounting and Finance
Dec 2010
1 more semester after the spring THANK GOD
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

There's a handful of UMBC'ers on here actually. How do you like it? I've never met someone who really enjoyed their time at UMBC.
It's actually pretty cool. It gets a bad wrap since College Park and Towson are both party schools within close proximity, but it's fun if you know the right people.

#1 in professors for public universities doesn't hurt, either.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

thesimplestlife wrote:

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

tufts university 2010
You were a frosh when I graduated. Which bio courses you take?
well, im currently taking neurobio (as my last bio course to fulfill my major)...
at tufts I've also taken bio 13, bio 41 (genetics), bio 75 (comparative vertebrae physiology), bio 46 (cell bio).
the rest of my bio courses were taken at other schools (NYU, Swarthmore, FIU) during various points in my undergrad career (summer classes, etc..)

I was a Bio major as well/premed. I took 13/14/41/75 (Bernheim is that dude).....micro ?(Siegel was monotone as hell but he knew his stuff), cell bio lab, Mammalian CNS...Brain and Behavior (Psych...wasted credit, difficult course but I liked it...had to take it for research), contemporary biosocial problems,  Animal Behavior, Biochem
ahaha. yea, bernheim was mad cool; he's a very animated dude. Siegel was boring as hell in genetics, and that class was dumb hard. Anyway, how'd you end up doing in after graduation? Premed still pan out for you?

sidenote: majoring in science is HARD as HELL at tufts. The bio classes I've taken at Swarthmore, NYU, and especially FIU have all been incredibly easier than the ones at tufts.
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

There's a handful of UMBC'ers on here actually. How do you like it? I've never met someone who really enjoyed their time at UMBC.
It's actually pretty cool. It gets a bad wrap since College Park and Towson are both party schools within close proximity, but it's fun if you know the right people.

#1 in professors for public universities doesn't hurt, either.
QFT that school has to be the most BORING since Towson, College Park, Morgan and Bowie are in Proximity but it is a good school

Originally Posted by Elocin023

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by Elocin023

University of Michigan 2010

African American Studies.
What can you do with that major?
Anything I want.
Going to law school.

Why didn't you just do Pre-Law??? What type of law do you want to study? 
Wright State University - 2008 - B.S. Double Major in Marketing and Management

Northern Kentucky University - 2010 - MBA with concentrations in Marketing and Finance

May go get my Ph.D afterwards, but I'm going to test the job market first.
Roger Williams University 2008 (criminal justice)
Virginia Tech 2012 (masters in public administration)
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