Post the weirdest place or situation where you've been hit on.

I was 14, and i was at the mall. My cousin and I were walking to Footlocker, and a group of girls were following us saying, "I want some of your (nicknamefor Richard excluding Rich)."
The men's room...... lets just leave it @ someone was peeking while i was doin #1.

Originally Posted by starbury03

That was the quickest 180 in a thread i've ever seen. That is some wild nasty stuff man. What a sick man.
Quoted and enlarged for MF'ing emphasis
The bank. I was a senior in high school and I was cashing my check before or after our awards ceremony. My check stub flew out of my hand and I went to pick itup and the guy blew his horn at me. And started talking to me. One, he blew his horn and talked from the car, two, he had kids in the back of his truck, so tosay the least I wasn't impressed.

Summer Enrichment Program for middle school kids. I was working as a teacher's aide and one of the guys who was working there also would hit on me IN FRONTOF THE CLASS!
So then I would have to hear from the kids all day about "Troy likes you Ms...(insert my name here.)

Walking down the street, work, waiting on the bus, any and everywhere.

I was only like 12 years old. I was there with my dad,and little brother and sister. The waiter kept coming to my table and asking only me if I needed anything. Using the excuse of replenishing the bread sticksfor a reason to come back to our table and stare. My sis and bro still make fun of it today. "How you doin?" (Mocking him, that was the 1st thing hesaid to me)
one of my friend's moms is always saying im handsome and touching my arm. makes me mad uncomfortable

another time at the duty free shop at the border i was buying some white chocolate and some old **+ lady, 40 years old or so, said "so you like whitechocolate?" and smiled
!@$%!!% disgusting

and one last time i was with my boys at mcdonalds and 2 girls with there mom were staring at me, the mom comes up and says my girls think your cute, i saidthanks, she drove by in a bmw and handed me her daughters number

actually come to think about it, what's wrong with these old **+ woman
I was at Lenox in Atlanta today for my Macy's interview, and this extremely flamboyant ayooo dude was there. Me and like 3 other chicks were sitting therebecause it was a group interview and we were just listening to dudes conversation and was single handedly the worst conversation i had ever heard in my life.Dude was talking to some chick on the other line about him putting on lipstick, sleeping wit his man, and being a drag queen and ishh. That %+!# had medisgusted but it had me and this chick sittin next to me rollin at the same time.
1) Me and my cousin who were about 18 and 19 at the time stopped by Save-Mart and when we were about to leave a like 30+ year old and his nephew who was like13 stops us and asks were we're going and if they can join. I'm looking at him like..."are you serious?"
2) I'm walking downtown and some lady comes up to me talking about I look nice...I'm like thanks. Then she tries to grab my arm and pull it and tellsme to go inside this club with her...NO thanks
3) I was shootin' hoops at Chucky Cheese and this dude who is WAAAYYY shorter than me asks for my number...
4) two dudes my dads age (knowing that I'm his daughter) which is 40+ tried to spit game
I'll post more if they come to mind. People just have NO shame
I played varsity basketball in hs...a lot of lesbians play bball no surprise there. But all the ones on my team know I'm straight and don't play that$***. Anyways, one night we're about to play a rival team. I'm waiting with my teammates watching the JV game before we play. At half time of the jvgame we goto the locker room to change for our game.

On the way to the locker room I see this kinda chunky latina girl on the other team is not playin that night due to an injury to her leg...yet she'swearing high heels.
She looks at me taking off my slides and asks if she can wear them cuz her feet hurt...I say "nah I cant"..but then shebegs me and im like ughhh alright w/e
So after the game she takes them off and hands them to me ...says "thanks" with a seducing look..andwinks at me calling me "sexy" and asks me for my number IN FRONT OF LIKE HALF OF MY TEAMMATES. And im like ughh nah i dont get down likethat..embarrassed
...I keep it moving to the locker room...all my teammates laughing and teasing me SMH

Fast forward to the second time we play them at their school (we play all teams twice...once at home once away). This same betch...I see her up in the standswith her the JV half time we (varsity) go down to the locker room and my teammate says "ohhh Alex there goes your girl " ..(justmessing around). And I look up and this sameee betch is 10 feet away from me eye @@#@+#* me and winking at me and BLOWING KISSES AT ME saying "good luckboo!" to me! IN FRONT OF LIKE MY WHOLE TEAM AGAIN
I was so creeped out an embarrassed..its funny looking back on it now 4 years later.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by nycbxbdby

I was about 13 - 14 and my uncle tried to molest me ... pretty much pop a porn and ask if I was turned on, I said to my self +%% and responded I'm good then minutes later he said, do you want me to give you top and once again I said to myself +%% and ran to the kitchen picked up a knife and told him .. itch please take me home or else Im stabbin you and then tellin why ...

he was my uncle so I never told, i should of .. to think he is a lawyer has a family and makes crazy l00t

Oh yeah and one girl who I was starting to be cool wiith like good friends, she revealed to me she had a "small crush" on me all sophomore yearthrough a text message.

Guys hitting on me ..the weirdest place would be, hmm on the bus
at work, some chick just wrote her name/number on a napkin and gave it to me haha....she looked young and was not at all attractive
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Oh yeah and one girl who I was starting to be cool wiith like good friends, she revealed to me she had a "small crush" on me all sophomore year through a text message.

Guys hitting on me ..the weirdest place would be, hmm on the bus

Wow, getting it from both sides. You got game
During a water ride at Great America, roaring rapids.

She was like, "ohhh you look good, what ethnicity are you"?
Originally Posted by nycbxbdby

I was about 13 - 14 and my uncle tried to molest me ... pretty much pop a porn and ask if I was turned on, I said to my self +%% and responded I'm good then minutes later he said, do you want me to give you top and once again I said to myself +%% and ran to the kitchen picked up a knife and told him .. itch please take me home or else Im stabbin you and then tellin why ...

he was my uncle so I never told, i should of .. to think he is a lawyer has a family and makes crazy l00t
Originally Posted by nycbxbdby

I was about 13 - 14 and my uncle tried to molest me ... pretty much pop a porn and ask if I was turned on, I said to my self +%% and responded I'm good then minutes later he said, do you want me to give you top and once again I said to myself +%% and ran to the kitchen picked up a knife and told him .. itch please take me home or else Im stabbin you and then tellin why ...

he was my uncle so I never told, i should of .. to think he is a lawyer has a family and makes crazy l00t
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Originally Posted by nycbxbdby

I was about 13 - 14 and my uncle tried to molest me ... pretty much pop a porn and ask if I was turned on, I said to my self +%% and responded I'm good then minutes later he said, do you want me to give you top and once again I said to myself +%% and ran to the kitchen picked up a knife and told him .. itch please take me home or else Im stabbin you and then tellin why ...

he was my uncle so I never told, i should of .. to think he is a lawyer has a family and makes crazy l00t

Thats f'ed up you shoulda told!
I was Shopping with my mom and these 2 young girls say i have beautiful hair and laugh loud, and followed me around he mall
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I was at Lenox in Atlanta today for my Macy's interview, and this extremely flamboyant ayooo dude was there. Me and like 3 other chicks were sitting there because it was a group interview and we were just listening to dudes conversation and was single handedly the worst conversation i had ever heard in my life. Dude was talking to some chick on the other line about him putting on lipstick, sleeping wit his man, and being a drag queen and ishh. That %+!# had me disgusted but it had me and this chick sittin next to me rollin at the same time.

I do helpdesk/IT work at my job, and the old ladies there are just nasty. Talking about they want to "download my hard drive" and want me to"come check out there server"
I hate going to their rooms,they look at me like a piece of meat
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