Post up some examples of you getting owned by beer goggles

Originally Posted by DublBagn

I refuse to post pics of @@%*$ I have D'ed up with beer goggles on...
No one has to feel the pain I have felt....
oh my...I haven't done it much(not necessarily beer goggles, just a"naturally altered state of mind" I'll call it) but the times I did...

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen let me get this straight OP--the chick you posted is "ugly"...

Well, if that's the case, then I certainly need to step my standard game up...

Either that or YOU'RE REALLY smashing the best mother nature has to offer.

Man I swayer....I read the OP like...Wait..WHAT...the I stopped... scrolled up...backdown...back up again, and just said "!%*$ it,  I don't get it". Ya'lldudes be having the game wrong. Ain't a damn thing wrong with pullingthe chick in the OP and having some fun

and this

sn00pee wrote:
she aint :eww ugly, but compared to the last couple of females you pulled, she's def. not up there.
basically, I guess you kinda earned that pass
this time though...

oh and
at first I read "dought" as drought and assumed he meant he was in a drought or something, when that didn't make sense I said it aloud and...
hilarity ensued
lol, If you pulled that with your beer google's, I might as well walk out this post. lol
 Thanks guys, I dont know what to say other than it's flattering.  But Idont want it to be about me and what Ive done etc.  You guys should beposting pics!!!  And the ones who are too ashamed to do so, DO IT! Nothing wrong with being able to laugh at yourself a little

Originally Posted by Smedroc

my main is worse than that

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Yo OP seriously? You can't even call shorty "ugly"
NT really throws that term around too losely...

"ugly" is being embarrassed to take a shawty out in public...

shorty is decent IMO
I never used the word ugly, justthought I was doing it when I wasnt.    Like I mentioned earlier my friends, guys and girls, gave me crap about it the next day.  All in good fun though, I can laugh about it.

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Can'tblame ya cheetos (blame it on the alcohol, ha ha...) depending on thesong playing and the extent you were in a drunken happensto the best of us. My friend got it way worst at a party. I'll doeveryone a favor and not post pics of the chick. I've had a fewinstances where I slipped up too, but I ain't add these chicks on FBhaha.

LOL I feel you man, good music + alky = Love in this Club
Because my friends were giving me crap about it i HAD to add her on FB just to get a clear picture of the nite before.  I was thinking before I added her "Come on, she cant be thaaaaaaat bad"
    Thank goodness she wasnt. 

Originally Posted by CheGTR

Is everybody really riding OP, like ohhh no you guys are wrong FHC can do way better! He pulls dimes all the time! this your PR team mostly in here?? (no guess i havent seen his other girlfriends, so...)

The girl isnt ugly. period. Millions of NTers would be happy to dateher, but naturally you get that avalanche rolling and everyone cosigns"yeah word, I wouldnt hit/poke/touch, but she aight"

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight fellas, right.

And FHC, this aint a forum full of male models...its internet geeks. so you know about 3% of ppl can relate here
. (realistically)

Naw man, I thought we could have fun with this and exchangestories/pics.  The other forum I posted a similar thread on had allkinds of
and some actually not so bad pics posted.  Everyone had a laugh
Originally Posted by Hanacheezy

pics of said ex's?

I know there are more than a handful of dudes who got those pics saved.

Chick posted ain't that bad. Not great, but not bad either. Hell after a few drinks I'd do the same damn thing.
I see someone isn't a fan of a little game I like to call "Lower Your Standards". It pretty much involves you and your boy's getting really drunk and seeing who can get with the ugliest girl.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

typical NTer: I only smash dimes.

What is the point of saying what a typical NTer says?

And there are 4 pages in this thread and no more pics of girls we regret.  I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
Some people don't understand beer goggles.

He, while intoxicated, thought she was better looking (and that he was doing it) than she is in him.

Is this really that hard to conceptualize?
151 goggles

Grey Goose goggles

Won't lie though if given the opportunity I'd smash both em again
No offense, but aren't there supposed to be MORE examples in this thread...

Yall just been talkn about this ONE guy...
Originally Posted by J23S

151 goggles

Grey Goose goggles

Won't lie though if given the opportunity I'd smash both em again

the goose aint that bad but the 151 ..... logs off
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