post your aprils fools stories

That printer prank would be
to watch in action
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

no one at my job is computer savvy so I'll probably hit ctrl alt and left arrow key at a couple of peoples computers while they are out to lunch.

i dont know what that does..
Im scared to try on my computer right now.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

my roommate used to always leave his laptop on the living room coffee table, and sometimes has some of it off the edge. i put his laptop on the floor and changed his background to this

Spoiler [+]

and hid his icons. dude woke up in the morning finding his laptop on the floor and was near tears because he had some important stuff to turn in. he ended up calling his parents/older brother to find if they can buy him a new laptop. went on for like 30 minutes before i told him 


I want to do the porno windows greetings sound to somebody so bad

Bought a fake turd once and use to just place it near ppl unsuspectingly.
my cousin always tries the same one.

last year it was i got in a car crash on the freeway come help. andi kinda fell for it this year it was come pick me up i flipped my car in the canyon
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