Post Your Brain Farts

went to arby's clearing wanting the 5 for 5 and when i pull up the girl ask's how she can help as i sit there for

about 10 secs completly lost for what i wanted to order

pretty much felt like a douche
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

- watching a show on TV, and during the commercial break you totally forgot what you're watching

I do that all the after one channel goes on commercial i flip back to the other one and its on commercial too. now im thinking like !!# was iwatching here
Answering my cell phone saying "Hatclub b_____ speaking" and then answering the store phone "hello"
Putting the Baby bottle top on the milk gallon.
Stay at a green light waiting for it to turn red to go.... Only happened once
- Walked out to my car without pants on

- Answered the phone, but forgot to say "Hello?"

- Forgot e^-t is equal to 1/(s+1) in the frequency domain
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I tried to open my front door with my car unlock button.
i just did this the other dad at my dorm room haha my teammate thought i was crazy
walking into a girls clothing store after realizing it wasn't footlocker...proceed to pretend i'm on the phone and walk out
Trying to drink from a bottle when the top is still on

Using phone as remote

When playing 2k9 I stay getting 5 second violations cause I think Im on defense
Forgetting that we had a glass porch door. Opened up the regular door and proceeded to ram into the glass door.

Mistyping my own name to access my email and thinking I changed the password.
i was getting ready to go to the pool and my ride came. i threw my house phone in my bag thinking it was my cell phone.
-Typing in my work email password for my personal email account and locking myself out for 24 hours
-I was on the phone with a friend and I hopped in the jeep to drive to the store and wondered why it was getting so much static in it...yep I was on thecordless home phone
-Frantically searching for something to put over my head when it's raining, just to get to my vehicle and notice an umbrella in my purse
Opening a tub of yogurt in front of the trash can, then throwing the tub away instead of the lid.
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