\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Sorry bros, gave yall the wrong info...

The white is actually a 428i, the grey is 435i, but BOTH are M Sport models.
Man to the truth, it was hard finding the one I wanted, and if I did see one that I did like, it was like $54k-60k

Then my girl wanted to buy another car, so we had to add her car to the factor.

I always loved the new 4 series anyway, so it's not like I'm compromising.
Man to the truth, it was hard finding the one I wanted, and if I did see one that I did like, it was like $54k-60k

Then my girl wanted to buy another car, so we had to add her car to the factor.

I always loved the new 4 series anyway, so it's not like I'm compromising.

so what did u cop? 428 or 435?
Neither yet, these 2 are private sales. Going to the dealership on Monday to test drive a few more!
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So remember I told yall awhile back I was coppin the Stingray? :lol

Well that plan has changed. I'm selling my Lexus to my brother or just having him take over the payments.

My girl is coppin the Lexus RC350. In the meantime I'm looking at 2 BMW 435i

Both is fully loaded, one is white with beige interior and the grey one is M Sport package.

Need some input fellas!

if u lookin at a 435i msport just throw sum mo for da m4 tbh

a manual m4 is about 65 racks a msport 435i is about 50 (off BMWUSA.com)

its either a non m 435i or m4 is how i see it

4 series ugly AF... Wait and get a M2...

boy if you dont...
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M2 will def be $55-60k when its released. Not to
mention the mark ups dealers will add to them. For
the price of a 435i, I'd just find a clean E9x M3,
unless u like the 435 that much. F chasis is pretty
meh, unless its an M235 imo

Man to the truth, it was hard finding the one I wanted, and if I did see one that I did like, it was like $54k-60k

Then my girl wanted to buy another car, so we had to add her car to the factor.

I always loved the new 4 series anyway, so it's not like I'm compromising.

Going from a stingray to a 428? Come on son...

At minimum, 435
agreed.  Either buy an M or 35 at least.  That goes for all the bimmers. 3 series, 4 series, 5 series

28's are cars for chicks that wanna badge floss da Bimmer logo
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dont listen to them man

if u dont need a turbo inline 6 then go for the 428

ur bank account gunna look alot better fam

If you ain't copping the M don't cop a BMW pointless really I don't care if one has tuning potential to keep up with an M. You get the M or just wait for the Stingray
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